Search results

  1. fishlove75

    Do Bigger Tanks Cycle Faster?

    In my experience the size makes no difference. The 55 gallon that you recieved, did you also recieve the used filter? That would make a difference. Also, you mentioned driftwood in the other tank, I could be wrong, but I think driftwood can cause changes in pH. If your pH in that tank has...
  2. fishlove75

    Rena Smart Filter

    Well just got the tracking information, the new filter heater combo will be in tomorrow. Faster than I thought. Will give review when it comes.
  3. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    Well just got the tracking information, so his new filter will be in tomorrow. Didn't even pay for overnight shipping guess it is because thier warehouse is only 1 hour from me :good:. Anyway, only one more day with sub par filtering. He has done really well with only a 5 gallon sponge filter...
  4. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    As much as I like the sand, i think I am going to go with the gravel. The only reason is I will be going away in a couple of months for 10 Weeks (work thing) so my husband will have to handel the tanks. While he is capable of doing it, I think the gravel will be easier for him to maintain...
  5. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    Wish I could, I am in the states and can't find B&Q sand here. I was actually thinking of going with the black Tehition Moon Sand and maybe add a little bit of white sand to lighten it up a little bit. But it is just so expensive.
  6. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    argos is what I had in his smaller tank and what I have currently in my other tanks. Just getting a little bored with the plain beige. :blush:
  7. fishlove75

    Rena Smart Filter

    Thanks Yep he is doing good. I caught it early he had no other signs other than the swollen eyes. He never quit eating and had no behaviour changes, but his eyes looks much better now that the antibiotics are done so hopefully it is gone for good. I have actually already found one they have...
  8. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    I was thinking of adding pygmy cories (heard they do ok with bettas) and I thought they perfer sand, but could be wrong on that. Plus the gravel give more colour choices. thinking of going with black gravel mixed with a little bit of white gravel. Black and white sand is soooooooo much more...
  9. fishlove75

    Rena Smart Filter

    Thanks... he had popeye. I think it happened when I went away. I was gone for 15 days did water change before I left and immediately when i got back but it clearly wasn't good enough. I suspect the person I had feeding him over fed him. But while he was in the larger tank, his 5 gallon...
  10. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    Well it was temporary, he was in there for treatment with antibiotics just added the extra log and all the plants today, the stone cave is from his 5 gallon tank and went with him to the QT tanks cause he loves it so much. Thanks Lil so not too many plants. I have 2 more that I purchased...
  11. fishlove75

    Rena Smart Filter

    They have a larger model for a 55gallon. If I like it and upgrade the big tank then I will obviously get the larger filter, probably 2, just cause I perfer to be over filtered :fun: The Betta is actually good, I have been doing water changes every other day for him, but in the 10 gallon by...
  12. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    Well I decided to keep him in the larger tank, mostly because his 5 gallon tank sprang a leak while he was being treated in the larger tank. But also because he seems so much happier in the larger tank. I have purchased a Rena Smart filter and rena smart heater for his larger tank (should be...
  13. fishlove75

    Rena Smart Filter

    It was a bit of a gamble, but I had a few responses on another forum and it had good reviews. The tank is a 10 gallon, so the 20 will be a bit of overkill but rather over filtered rather than under filtered. I just have a betta in there so worst case senerio I could continue to use his small...
  14. fishlove75

    Rena Smart Filter

    Well I went ahead and purchased the Rena Smart filter and the heater that attaches directly to the filter. Will let you all know how it works out should be here by friday.
  15. fishlove75

    Fishless Cycle - Add & Wait (Take 2)

    Hello, I know it is hard but try to be patient. I have been using fishless cycling now for a while I have cycled a total of 4 tanks using this method. 2 went off with out a hitch, no problems at all, the other 2 the ammonia stalled at 2ppm it was torture but it will eventually go down. It is...
  16. fishlove75

    Can Anyone Help Me Make Sense Of My Nutrafin Test Kit?

    I use the API kit my self not overly familiar with the Nutra fin. However, i did some research, from what I can gather with the nitrAtes, if you get a yellow colour it is 0, if you get anything other than yellow refer to the card. 5 for nitrates is not that bad. Check your tap water and see...
  17. fishlove75

    Rena Smart Filter

    Hello, I am looking at purchasing a Rena Smart Filter 20 for my 10 gallon tank. Does anyone have an experience with these filters? and what do you think of them?
  18. fishlove75

    Coloured Sand?

    If you are looking for black sand, the only kind I have seen is the Tahitian Moon sand. Below is a link to it at Petsmart. I know you are in the UK, but it will give you an idea of what it looks like. It is much more expensive...
  19. fishlove75

    All Fish Dead!

    I thought of that, but I have completely different buckets that I use for tank cleaning. I only use them for that purpose they are not used for anything else other than my water changes. I have a 55 gallon, a 29 gallon, the 12 gallon and a 5 gallon tank, and I changed the water in the 5 gallon...
  20. fishlove75

    Tank Cycling Question

    Adding water from a cycled tank won't do much of anything. However adding some filter media from a mature filter (no more that 30% or you will loose the cycle in the mature tank) will help to speed up the process. As previously mentioned it is hard to put a number on it but it will be faster.
  21. fishlove75

    All Fish Dead!

    Hello, Not particularily an emergency now since almost all the fish are dead but would still like to try to figure out what went wrong. So here is the story. I have had a 12 gallon Marineland Eclipse tank up and running for a little under 3 years. The tank was fishless cycled, no major...
  22. fishlove75

    Namebrand Tank Vs Generic Cheap Tanks

    Truthfully I don't notice any difference with the tanks - after all they all hold water the same way, but depending on the brand you don't always have as much flexibility with branded tanks. I have 2 branded tanks (marineland and tetra) and 2 generic glass tanks. I have never had a problem...
  23. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    10 us gallons would be approximately 40 L.
  24. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    If I do decide to keep him in the 10 gallon, is there any safe fish I could put in with him. I think the tank would look pretty empty with just him. Not sure of his personality as he has only ever been in the 5 gallon by himself, he had a snail in there at one point but it died a few weeks...
  25. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    That is what I was thinking, I don't actually need a 10 gallon QT tank anymore since I no longer have any large fish. Sticking to larger schools of smaller fish now. So I can use the 5 gallon as a qt tank. Just need to figure out if I have a spot to keep the 10 gallon up permantely :lol:
  26. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    Hi getting closer to the day he will go back to the 5 gallon tank. Am I worrying too much or will he adjust going back to the smaller tank. He really does seem to be enjoying the larger 10 gallon. not sure what to do could use some advice. Thanks
  27. fishlove75

    Popeye The Sailor......

    I have no idea what it could be. However, since it is in more than one fish, perhaps bacterial infection of some kind. I am dealing with pop-eye right now with my Betta fish. He has no other signs other than the pop-eye. I started treating him yesterday with maracyn and maracyn 2 and have...
  28. fishlove75

    Sick Betta

    Well his eyes definately look better today. They still look a litte "bug-eyed" but he no longer looks like he is wearing white eyeliner :good: I think I definately caught it early on so that is a good thing. Still eating and swimming fine. Poo still looks normal. He has three more days of...
  29. fishlove75

    Possible Larvae In The Tank

    Hello, It does look like a larvae of some kind. I have never had one in my tank, however, a friend of mine got something simmilar in his tank a few years back. It showed up in his tank after feeding blood worms. We are still, even three years later, not 100% sure of what it was or how it got...
  30. fishlove75

    Worried Beginner

    Hello, It seems like you have received some good advice already. But i will go ahead and add/reiterate a few things. First it definately sounds like your molly has some kind of internal issue going on. White stringy poo is never a good sign, it usually indicates some kind of internal parasite...
  31. fishlove75

    Beginner- Need Help Asap!

    Hello again, Here is a link to a pinned section on this fourm that talks about cycling (both fish in and fishless cycling): It has a lot of really good information for new comers to the hobby. Sorry I didn't give it...
  32. fishlove75

    Sick Betta

    Well I went ahead and started treating with the antibiotics since my other efforts did not produce any improvements, and as the pop eye is not extreme I figured I mide as well start treatment now while it is still early on in the process, before he gets any worse. So far so good. I haven't...
  33. fishlove75

    Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

    Hello all, I have a question, I moved my Betta to a 10 gallon tank because I needed to treat him with meds and I didn't feel like trying to estimate half a packet of antibiotics. Anyway, he seems to be really enjoying his time in the larger tank. Now I feel guilty about moving him back to a 5...
  34. fishlove75

    Beginner- Need Help Asap!

    Hello, sorry to hear about your problems. First off, your filter is no where near cycled. You are doing what is called a fish in cycle. Fully cycling your filter takes on average 6-8 weeks, in some cases even longer. It is unlikely, after 6 days, you would have had very many friendly...
  35. fishlove75

    Wanted: Malaysian Trumpet Or Nerite Snails

    Thats to bad sorry. I thought if anyone could help it would be him, he is usually pretty good. I think your best bet would be to see if any of you local stores could get them in. I live in the states but origonally from Ontario, I don't know what it is but whenever I ship things back home to...
  36. fishlove75

    Sick Betta

    No I used epsom salt, I do have aquarium salt, but did not use it in this case.
  37. fishlove75

    Sick Betta

    Thanks, I didn't even think of making a sponge filter, I have the equipment here I can make one up real quick. There has been no change in his tank temp and every thing has been stable as far as I know, and nothing new has been added. The only thing I can think of is I was away for a couple...
  38. fishlove75

    Wanted: Malaysian Trumpet Or Nerite Snails

    Hi I too love my nerite snails, they are so awesome at helping to keep the algea in check, they don't breed in fresh water and the are cool to watch. I am not sure of shipping to Canada, however, check out this link: this guy is great...
  39. fishlove75

    Strange Water Readings

    Hi your Nitrates are high because that is the end process of the nitrogen cycle. You start with ammonia (waste from fish food etc) the good bacteria (in a cycled filter) break down the ammonia into nitrites. The nitrites are then broken down by another type of good bacteria into nitrAtes...
  40. fishlove75

    Sick Betta

    Hi I originally posted in emergency section but thought it might be better to post here. This is the link to the origional post: thanks