Popeye The Sailor......


Fish Crazy
Dec 28, 2009
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Just noticed my angelfish and 1 other fish has popeye. Looked closely on there body and find nothing else that looks strange. Done a 50% water change last week and i do every week or every fortnight. Water stats OK.

The only change i can tell you about is my tank is infested with tiny tiny snails. Have no idea where they came from as i havnt introduced new fish for a long long time and/or any plants. The snails just appeared a month ago and altho i can only see 2 ro 3 right now i think they stay under the gravel.

So could anyone diagnose the possibilities? The popeye on the angelfish looks normal other than it popping out abit. The eye on the other tetra fish i have has popeye thats cloudy. Also 1 other thing, the angelfish keeps flicking his veils. And 1 other strange thing i notice. The albino red fin shark is literally obsessed with chasing the angelfish and when he gets close he tries nibbling off the side of the angelfish just as he does on the side of the class on algae or something.
If it just one eye it maybe just a injury, You will have to quarantine him and use Maracyn, do not use this in the main tank because it can kill your good bacteria, also you could put some aquarium salt in this will help, 1 tablespoon per gallon.
If it just one eye it maybe just a injury, You will have to quarantine him and use Maracyn, do not use this in the main tank because it can kill your good bacteria, also you could put some aquarium salt in this will help, 1 tablespoon per gallon.

got maracyn on the way and maracyn 2. Run out of salt so will get some of that too and try that first.

Am thinking its flukes as the fish in question spit food out... didnt use to.
If it just one eye it maybe just a injury, You will have to quarantine him and use Maracyn, do not use this in the main tank because it can kill your good bacteria, also you could put some aquarium salt in this will help, 1 tablespoon per gallon.

The angel is doing the following now:
Random darting
Flicking his veils on body
Colour has faded ever so slightly
Left eye popping out
pectoral fins slightly peachy at the base
Not eating food anymore WITHOUT spitting it out first
Often stays near the bottom at daytime like he does when its bed time.

The other tetra i have with the same issue has:
raised left eye
slightly cloudy white eye
stays at the bottom doesnt swim around anymore
Eats ok though

Would anyone please diagnose so i know for sure what it could be?

Should i add salt to the tank? or should i give a salt bath to the effected fish if so how? als will the fish in my sig be ok if treating the whole tank with salt.

Should i purchase some tremazol if it is flukes?
To update hes starting to discolour now.

What can it be? whatever it is ive left it too long without treatment.
I have no idea what it could be. However, since it is in more than one fish, perhaps bacterial infection of some kind. I am dealing with pop-eye right now with my Betta fish. He has no other signs other than the pop-eye. I started treating him yesterday with maracyn and maracyn 2 and have noticed improvement already. You may want to start antibiotic treatment. If it is bacterial you may want to go a head and treat the entire tank. I have herd mixed opinions regarding the maracyn products effecting good bacteria. The packet insert state it will NOT affect the good bacteria. However, depending on who you ask you will get different opnions. However, if it is in your tank than the bad bacteria may also be in your filter so might want to go ahead and treat anyway in order to clear the bad bacteria out of your filter/tank.

Sorry I don't have better advice but hope I helped some.

Good Luck
I suppose it wont harm in treating with maracyn i have it right here.

I went to a local LFS and they sold me some sterazin for £6. It has not done the trick.

Just to update

Fish are eating still OK
Colour is fading abit
1 eye still popped

Ive noticed red and brown worm type creatures on the angel VERY VERY TINY and 1 visable but as she swam off i saw a few on the water surface
To update, i treated the whole tank with sterazin for gill and body flukes the angels eye went down abit but is still raised slightly.

I then gave a 50% water change 4 days after treatment of sterazin

Decided to treat the whole tank with maracyn2 its been 3 days after the final dose and there is no sign of improvement at all. The colouring on the angel is sort of blue tint to his fins. Alost looks like oil in water with the colours you get. He is still flicking his veils and on the ODD occasion a quick dart.

Can anyone help me diagnose at all? Ive spent £30 on medicines already!!!!!!!!!
Once again his pectoral fins at the base has gone red

Natural colour has faded

Gone into hiding

a single bright red pin dot on face

Any definate answers to his problem with a matter of urgency? i think its now at an advanced stage as his health is slowly slipping further down hill. Someone must know for sure? i cant be the only one in the world with this problem. Infact saying that i probably am knowing my luck.
I suspect internal parasites of some sort-darting, spitting out food, hiding, color fading. Youve treated for bacterial with no improvement. I would get a good broad spectrum internal parassite med-something that contains metronidazole, lavamasole and praziquentil if possible. DO NOT USE AQUARIUM SALT! Will make the popeye worse. You could try epsom salt for the popeye (1 tablesppon/5 gal) but it will only help with the fluid in the eye-not the root cause. Need to internally medicate (ie medicated food) as well as tank treatment. Keep the water clean as possible. Treat the whole tank.
best of luck!

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