Should I Move Betta To A Larger Tank? New Pictures

argos is what I had in his smaller tank and what I have currently in my other tanks. Just getting a little bored with the plain beige. :blush:
Oh, I see. Go for the B&Q sand then! ;)

It's darker. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Wish I could, I am in the states and can't find B&Q sand here. I was actually thinking of going with the black Tehition Moon Sand and maybe add a little bit of white sand to lighten it up a little bit. But it is just so expensive.
I suppose it's quality you pay for, and it's a shame you're in the US.
As much as I like the sand, i think I am going to go with the gravel. The only reason is I will be going away in a couple of months for 10 Weeks (work thing) so my husband will have to handel the tanks. While he is capable of doing it, I think the gravel will be easier for him to maintain. You have to have a slightly lighter touch with the sand so as not to suck it all up that being said I think he will do better with the gravel. :crazy:
Fair enough :)

It's probably best to make sure you don't return to a tank without substrate. :p
Well just got the tracking information, so his new filter will be in tomorrow. Didn't even pay for overnight shipping guess it is because thier warehouse is only 1 hour from me :good:. Anyway, only one more day with sub par filtering. He has done really well with only a 5 gallon sponge filter in a 10 gallon tank. At least my water changes will drop now. Luckily I have 3 other tanks (plus his sponge filter) I can pull media from so I should have a very short cycle time :lol:
Great, if only my cycle could be so quick. I'm on the 9th day and yesterday was my first slight drop in ammonia. :crazy:
Thanks ... got the smart filter and heater in today. Man the Rena smart filters are HUGE!. I was a little worried about not having the freedom with my media since it came with a "Cartridge" but the cartridge is really just a sleeve that fits over the frame. I choose not to use it at all (have some spare carbon should I need it. Bascially made my own sleeve with filter foam, purchased a marineland canister sleeve and cut to length, works great, then filled the center up with the bio media (ceramic peices) from the old filter. Working great so far. It is cool since it has a med port in it, so if I ever need to dose the tank with anything it should be really easy now. The filter also came with a second cartridge that fits the Rena Bio-Chem Stars in it. The heater idea is awesome, it replaces the intake valve on the filter and heats the water as it comes through, much less clutter in the tank. I will post some pics of it soon. But so far so good.
So by the sound of it, you highly recommend it and you're really pleased? :D
So far yes but it has been only running for about 30 minutes :hey:
:lol: I hope it continues to run as well then :D
Just a note from my experience - if you do end up doing gravel, make sure you get the smallest, smoothest gravel you can find, especially if you plan on Corys as tank mates. Sand is optimal, but not a requirement.

Second, if you do not plan on adding live plants, keep the gravel to only maybe 1/2" - 1" at absolute most. The substrate is really just for your viewing pleasure, and I had a bad experience in my tank where I had too deep of gravel and it made it impossible to keep it clean (even though I religiously vacuumed the heck out of it twice a week). It ended up causing bacterial infections and a subsequent Ich outbreak. When I pulled the gravel out to switch to sand, I was amazed at the loads of gunk that I never got, even though I vacuumed so much.

Just my $0.02
hi fishlove, what material are your plants made of.....just asking coz the one on the floor looks like plastic which as a rule is anono for bettas as their fins can tear and cause finrot infections. I keep corys with mine, but in the past i have kept pygmys and with their black stripe i think my old betta thought they were females, so he killed them one by one. you may be better with say 4 ;arger a colour that highlights his colours. my 5 corys dont get a second glance with my mustard gas betta. just thought i'd give you a heads up xx

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