Rena Smart Filter


Fish Fanatic
Feb 15, 2011
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Hello, I am looking at purchasing a Rena Smart Filter 20 for my 10 gallon tank. Does anyone have an experience with these filters? and what do you think of them?
Well I went ahead and purchased the Rena Smart filter and the heater that attaches directly to the filter. Will let you all know how it works out should be here by friday.
That was a bit of a gamble considering you had no responses to your previous question.

How big is your tank?
It was a bit of a gamble, but I had a few responses on another forum and it had good reviews. The tank is a 10 gallon, so the 20 will be a bit of overkill but rather over filtered rather than under filtered. I just have a betta in there so worst case senerio I could continue to use his small sponge filter (from his 5 gallon) until I can get a replacement filter. Also, the store I purchased it from has a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee so at least I can get my money back if it isn't very good. I was originally thinking of getting it for my 55 gallon, but didn't want to risk it on my big tank. I know it sounds bad, but the betta can survive for a few days with minimal to no filtration, although I wouldn't want that as a permanant situation. I figured I would try it on the small tank first then upgrade my other tanks if it works out well. I mainly wanted it because it allows you to integrate the heater on a HOB filter, less clutter in the tank. Will keep you posted.
I'm not too sure about having it on your 50 gallon but it should be perfect for your 10. It's always best to get a filter that is recommended for a larger tank when it comes to filtration because as you said, over filtered is better than under filtered.

Obviously, try to avoid leaving your betta without filtration as ammonia levels could potentially spike and damage your beautiful fish.

I look forward to hearing what happens! :good:
They have a larger model for a 55gallon. If I like it and upgrade the big tank then I will obviously get the larger filter, probably 2, just cause I perfer to be over filtered :fun:

The Betta is actually good, I have been doing water changes every other day for him, but in the 10 gallon by him self, with the little 5 gallon sponge filter even at every other day changes his ammonia level has been 0 (nitrites too) but still it is not a perfect situation right now, so I have been doing more frequent water changes. Also, he just got finished with antibiotics (that is why he was put into the 10 gallon in the first place) so frequent water changes have been the norm this week :good:
Oh, I see. What was wrong with your betta?

By the way it's great to see you know what you're doing and have everything planned and under control. :good:
Thanks... he had popeye. I think it happened when I went away. I was gone for 15 days did water change before I left and immediately when i got back but it clearly wasn't good enough. I suspect the person I had feeding him over fed him. But while he was in the larger tank, his 5 gallon sprang a leak (acrlyic tank so can't even repair) plus he really seemed to enjoy the extra space so he is getting to stay in what was my QT tank. Guess I am shopping for a new qt tank this week :lol:
Get a tank from the classified section on this forum, there's always something going cheap. I hope your little guy is much better now! :D
Thanks Yep he is doing good. I caught it early he had no other signs other than the swollen eyes. He never quit eating and had no behaviour changes, but his eyes looks much better now that the antibiotics are done so hopefully it is gone for good.

I have actually already found one they have 10 gallon tanks for around $5 at local lfs, and a hood at walmart is about the same so probably go with that. Figured I probably won't do much better that $10. :crazy:
Probably not :lol: That sounds like more than a bargain :p
Well just got the tracking information, the new filter heater combo will be in tomorrow. Faster than I thought. Will give review when it comes.
Well the filter and heater arrived, they have been up and running now for about 6 hours now, and so far I absolutely LOVE IT. The fact that the heater attaches to the filter and replaces in the intake valve is awesome, so much les cultter in the tank. :good: And the heater heats so quickly (76.4 F to 81 F in about 45 minutes), mind it is only a 10 gallon tank (50 Watt heater) but still faster then the old heater. So far so good. I was worried about not having flexibility with the media but I still have the flexibility I had before, just didn't use the carbon cartridge that came with it, plus it has the rena chem stars in it which is added bio media for me :good:. The only thing is that this is a beast of a filter (size wise) It is rated for a 20 gallon, but so was my old aquaclear and this one is easily twice the size. It would have never fit on my old 5 gallon tank, and on the 10 gallon takes up about 1/2 the length of the filter. But it is worth it. It looks like it will be easy to maintain as well as the whole cartridge just slides out, and because the motor is side mounted you don't have to unplug to clean, just slide out the filter holder clean media and slide back in. Here are some pics:



Here is the filter compartments, ignore the blue foam in the outflow I have some filter mateial in the outflow to slow the rate for Mr. Betta, but it does have adjustable flow, plus a medication dosing port (handy for all you live plant keepers) The first 2 show my custom media, the last one shows the place for the bio chem stars:




Again it has only been running for a few hours but so far 2 thumbs up. Great filter if you tank can handle the size of the box.
As I said in my other post, I would consider purchasing this filter if I was in need of another one.

I especially like the idea of the dosing port which stops you from having to throw the chemicals straight into the water column.

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