Possible Larvae In The Tank


New Member
Feb 17, 2011
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Hi, Im new here and I hope I am posting in the right section.
I have found, what looks like larvae/cocoon type thing in our tank. I have never come across it before and was hoping some one would know what it is.


Thanks in advance

ewwww :sick: i don't know what that is, but it can't be good :no: so i'd reccomend taking it out. good luck!
:crazy: That would send a shiver down my spine if it was in my tank!

I have no idea what it is but I will advise you to get rid of it as soon as possible!
Hello, It does look like a larvae of some kind. I have never had one in my tank, however, a friend of mine got something simmilar in his tank a few years back. It showed up in his tank after feeding blood worms. We are still, even three years later, not 100% sure of what it was or how it got there but we believe it came in with the blood worms.

My advice take it out immediately, and if you have feed any different foods (ie different brand, blood worms etc) recently throw away that food.

Good Luck.
deffinately a larvae of some sort. only thing i can think of that makes larvae in bits of plant like that are caddisfly , altho these are rather rare in aquaria. i think id be inclined to play safe and remove it .

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