Search results

  1. M

    new tank

    :thumbs: nice tank Great deal ya got there. Oh & welcome back ;)
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    :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( Well my daughter is very upset. Her beloved Nascar has passed away. He was doing well then just passed without any warning. She ( 8 years old) has had nas about a year & 1/2 He was the first fish that we had ever owned and started the the whole...
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    Snail in my tank?

    Kevin, I'm thinking clown but have not decided for sure yet..I need these snails gone lol cute or no cute they are soon to be loach food lol Will depend on what I can find the fastest locally
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    Hi all

    :hi: Don't worry about boring anyone we all tend to bore each other one time or not really this is the friendliest bunch around. Ask away and you will be amazed at the knowledge you will recieve in return..
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    Snail in my tank?

    :grr: snails invaded my tank about 2 months ago I'm still trying to get rid of the buggers! Yes now I am getting some loaches...hopefully they will take care of the problem. I've tried the lettuce leaf trick and my snail's like to stay on the sword plants & ignore the lettuce lol... My first...
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    Neon tetras

    Hi I have neons in with pristella tetra's, black skirt tetra's, platy's, Guppy's & molly's.. I also have a pleco and they tell me he can get up to 18 inches! my tank is very peaceful and I have never had any problems oh I do also have 3 zebra danio's and they tend to be a little on the high...
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    Fish is going home

    Sorry to hear that Tanked thankfully it's a temp deal but still a royal pain in the... glad to hear the boss did leave it plugged in though. Good Lucks
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    Wow I'm a Newbie

    :wub: love ya brat! Welcome to the board. Just remember this is a fish board & not the drive Will mad board lol She gets her evilness not me :angel:
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    :hi: Marlena hope you enjoy the forum. Brittany tells me you have an oscar.. cool Tell us all about him lol
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    Moving Home

    Sounds like a plan people :thumbs: Thank your lucky stars you are only doing a small move. I had to move all my babies for a 9 hour move.. My tank had to recycle because I couldn't trans port any of the water, the filter bacteria died. Luckily it was just a few fishy friend's at the time (10...
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    Just in case you are curious William

    :lol: Ain't she cute! I just :wub: her, my first born. Only under age oggling allowed ! lol :grr: or Momma will kick patootie's
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    Just in case you are curious William

    Thought maybe you'd like to check out Brittany since she's already checked you out LOL
  13. perdybrit.JPG


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    Tank Of The Month (Large Aquaria)

    :hooray: Very nice Bill H Congrats!
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    Fish Of The Month

    :hooray: Congrats !!
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    Tank Of The Month (Small Aquaria)

    :thumbs: :hooray: Congrats Molly
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    im putting forward my tank

    8) Cool tank Jam...Congrats on the nominations. Seems to me we can never really plan to much on a tank design..the fish always have a say in the matter lol
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    Congrats on Willy the betta.. You will be so surprised at the personality these fish have. Good Luck with him :thumbs:
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    test kit recommendations please

    I use both types lol..yes alittle more expensive but...My kids like to "help" mom with the tank. Since a few of them are under the age of 10yrs. I didn't want them messing with the tubes of the tradional test we use the strips for day to day monitering and then once or twice a month I...
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    My 55 gallon

    Thanks again everyone for the nomination :*) Hugs, Rhonda, the mollymomma
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    My fishtank pics

    :thumbs: That is so cool!... once again great looking tank. I may just have to redo the background on mine would be too much of a pain in the arse to move my tank out from the I'll try it on my little 10gal. or have to convince hubby I NEED another lol...I'm sure he will...
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    My 55 gallon

    Jam thanks for wanting to nominate me :*) But hope this doesn't change when umm I tell ya I'm not the momma with the angels lol..that would be mamapish :*) This tank is my first pic post other than the one of me in the rouges gallery lol... :hyper:
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    My cave!

    Jesse! you could like make those for profit! I checked out the DIY you wrote Nice job.. Now ya got me thinking hmmm didn't I just see some PVC in the basement, I'll let ya know if I make one.. :thumbs: :thumbs:
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    My fishtank pics

    DG Been meaning to tell you all your work has paid off very nice setup...I lovelove love your background it kinda looks like crumpled blue cello plastic? Gives a nice look to the tank
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    My 55 gallon

    :*) Thanks DG...I'm pretty proud of it since It's my first big tank. .It amazes me how much a difference having the larger tank makes..upkeep is so much easier..I never really believed the bigger the better statement until now. Every one of my friend's that now talk about setting a tank up I...
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    My 55 gallon

    Tanked OMG! My tank has never looked so good lol...glad I cleaned it real good before the new pic! lol Hugs for the help
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    Digital Fish!

    I will second the FOTM nomination! Beautiful :thumbs:
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    :no: aww Les we will all miss you...Good Luck in Life
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    Glad you have enjoyed the advice & infomation. What's your tank like? The eighties ruled!! Have you heard the country song by Mark Wills? It's called 19 something Even if your not into country you should check it out's way to true!
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    My 55 gallon

    Managed to get a full veiw of the tank..but it's not a good close up...
  31. Thewholetank.JPG


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    My 55 gallon

    okay since that worked here's the other side of the tank
  33. fishtank2.JPG


  34. M

    My 55 gallon

    Thought it was time to add a pic of my tank although it is still in the early stages. Actually this is only one side of the tank LOL.. Hope this works...kiddo had to show me how to upload it lol :*)
  35. fishtank1.JPG


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    when doing a water change

    Tanked, That was the very first thing I asked my friend! If you are refilling directly from the sink is there a way to declorinate before it hit's the tank? She says that she just puts the measured amount of d/c into a medicine dropper and squirts a small amount out at the same time as the...
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    when doing a water change

    I use the old water jug method on my tanks...lukewarm water in the jugs in goes the stress coat then to the tank...have had no problems. then I get my 55 cylced & stocked...boy lugging those jugs is a pain! So I will get a "python" ( I think that's what it's called) where it hooks directly to...
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    Overfed... now what?

    The turkey Baster isn't so crazy lol I have 2 that I use for my tanks only.. They work great, are cheap and very easy to keep germ free!...I mainly use it for cleaning the betta tanks' between water changes, if the kids get a little heavy with the food or in my 55 it works great to suck up dead...
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    I want my 54 gal corner bowfront

    :thumbs: Nice job! I may just have to borrow your design lol for my house.. Have a safe & wonderful trip to Mexico. God Bless
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    disappointing visit to my LFS

    :sick: That's awful.. I'm pretty new to fish keeping ( just over a year) and it just saddens me to see & hear of the horrors these people, with the lack of knowledge inflict on not only the fish (the worse) and the newbie's that really depend on what the store employs tell them.. I'm sorry you...