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    Fish Just Dying

    I cleaned the filters (in tank water) and replaced about 5-10 litres, as I used that water to clean the filters. Now 2 hrs later the Nitrate is around 40ppm, maybe slightly less actually. I think I maybe put too much of solution 2 into the test the first time round? Obviously the filter...
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    Fish Just Dying

    Just tested the tap water as well and that is sitting at Ph 7.6 the same as the tank.....
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    Fish Just Dying

    OK, I got hold of a test kit and the results are in..... Ph 7.6 Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 80 - maybe higher but now as high as 160 So..... Dont know what to do about the high Ph but Nitrate indicates the end of the cycle and water changes should bring that down. Offski now to do another 10%...
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    Fish Just Dying

    I dont have a home testing kit, the internal filter is the one supplied with the tank so I assume it should be able to handle 200l. The external one is just an addition to make sure the water is perfect.... When I moved the tank I kept the same filter media (and it should have still been wet)...
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    Fish Just Dying

    Looks like the gills may be red - does this give any clues?
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    Fish Just Dying

    A couple of weeks ago I redid my tank after moving it - it's a 200l Juwel bow front and is well stocked but as well as the internal filter i have an external Eheim Pro filter (Which is new). This was around 3 weeks ago but last week I added some new fish and they died, since then I have had at...
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    Silver Dollar Not Moving

    I got up this morning and before switching on the tank light I could see one of my bigger silver dollars (about 4inches diameter) just not moving on th ebottom of the tank - kind of like stuck in a plant. The other 4 were moving about fine...... I switched on the light and he never moved...
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    Help With My Clown Loaches

    Thats 1 down :( Just taking him back to the shop now. The other 2 look OK, one was out and about a few mins ago and the other is hiding inside the log thing.
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    Help With My Clown Loaches

    I will give the cucumber a try, I have also fed the tank twice but have not seen the loaches eat anything so that may help things along as well! Will keep you all posted.
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    Help With My Clown Loaches

    Hi there, I bought 3 clown loaches on Saturday ( Iwas thinking 3 was a good number to start with) But the problem is they dont seem to have 'found' each other! I have 1 hiding behind the filter and another at the other end of the tank hiding behind my UV Sterilizer head, dont know where the...
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    losing fish everyday need help

    I would deff say it is the African butterflys. I had exaclty the same problem and had to take it back to the shop. Everyday another fish was missing, nice fish the butterfly but not good in a community tank!!
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    10 gallon stocking question

    I would add a cory or plec. I have got a 30"X15" tank and I have one. When it gets too big I will just take it back to the shop and get another! My tank has around 40odd fish in it. I have got an external fluval104 filter and it works a treat. The tank looks nice and full. Mind you it has taken...
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    Where can I buy fish online?

    you are not joking about the website!! They could do with some more pictures etc. Still its the only website that will post live fish I have found! You know of any more? They are not as cheap as I thought they would be either, think my local is cheaper!!
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    Feeding Schedule

    Guys, I feed my fish like twice a most!!! Sometimes once! Is this a bad thing, should I feed them daily?
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    Where can I buy fish online?

    Title says it all really, I have been looking for ages for either an online or mail order fish shop. Anybody know of any in the UK?
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    Cant seem to keep gouramis alive!

    I am not sure what the fish are I have, they are not barbs, they just look like them. I have got lots of plants etc. I dont have a problem with the other fish in tank , so dont think it is to do with levels etc, jst cannot seem to keep em alive! Are the dwarf gouramis a lot harder to keep than...
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    Platies with white poo!

    what is the thing with the shelled pea? never heard of that!
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    Ick and Tail/Fin rot

    This is a copy/paste job from a post I made a few mins ago! Hope it helps: I have had several outbreaks of Ich, usually when I add mollys or loaches! Anyways I agree 100% with the above also I was told to leave the light on all the time when treating as the parasites only move when the light...
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    hello everybody

    OOps, Sorry I am from up here in Bonnie Scotland, Edinburgh to be exact!
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    ich break out

    I have had several outbreaks of Ich, usually when I add mollys or loaches! Anyways I agree 100% with the above also I was told to leave the light on all the time when treating as the parasites only move when the light is on. The parasite also like to hide in the corners of the tank so clean...
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    Platies with white poo!

    I would have thought the main thing would be a heater! If I treat fish in another tank I amso make sure there is plenty of plants, artificial or otherwise as I am sure the fish would be a bit dissorientated etc and like to hide away. Also make sure that you get plenty of air in the tank as a few...
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    Cant seem to keep gouramis alive!

    I have had quite a few gouramis over the last 4 years but they all seem to survive for only a few weeks!! I have had mostly dwarf gourami, they seem fine for a couple of weeks, then slowly die!! I have got some neons,hatchet fish, danios and some things I cannot remember the name but they look a...
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    hello everybody

    Hi! Just joined and thought i would say hello to everybody. I only have the one 30" tank but have now had it for 5years and have some decent fish in it. Anybody know of any mail order websites that sell fish?
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    Hi, I used to have a fresh water shrimp, he was great, did fine in my tank and also did ok in a wee tank with no heater etc while I was treating my normal tank! Thats the problem with shrimps, if you get white spot they need to be removed from the tank first! Thankfully I have not had an...