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  1. F

    corys + algea

    ok thx.. will go get some pellets
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    corys + algea

    just wondering if corys (albino ones) do eat some algea or will have to go buy some food pellets for them??
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    golden rams

    just the other day at the fish shop they had new stock come in.. and then i saw them.. a pair of golden rams :hyper: i have to get them... my question is, how big do they get? do they need lots of room and and they live with guppies/mollies and guppy fry and mollie fry without eatin them? oh...
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    My Balloon/Dalmatian Molly Fry!

    i got another 15 balloon molly frys as well.. want them? :D
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    oh no more babies!

    chichester.. its near portsmouth :nod: know it?? not many ppl do
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    oh no more babies!

    argggggggg my fish keep giving birth :unsure: busy little things.. i mean i dont mind having fry but my tank is already overstock.. i already got 13 mollie frys to look after now i've got about 10 babies guppies :blink: i know i should be happy but its that i think my tank (filter) wont be...
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    another one bites the dust!

    just got back from holiday.. went away for a few days and when i came back 80% of my tetras were dead and everyday more and more of them have died! :( only 4 lamp eyes from teh tetra group have survived... i had a nieghbour come in to feed them but i think he may have gave them WAY too much...
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    Pets at home

    might as well share my bit with pets at home... last year i went in there to buy more goldfish, about 5 of them.. got them home fine but in about 2 weeks they all died!"!! i already had some other goldfish in the tank and none of them died.. just the ones from pets at home, so i never went back...
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    All but 3 of my tetras died!!

    all i know is that if there is any thing wrong with ur tank (lvls of bacteria) or ur tank is slightly polluted, the neons will be the first to go, i lost 2 a few days ago becuase my nitrates were too high :-( i dont know how to help u with the others probs though, sry :(
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    poor poor shrek :-( hope the others are fine
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    split tail

    i;ve just notice one of our guppy has a split down his tail :-( and it has to be the favorite one as well and i was wondering if there is any way we could help? thx :fun:
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    its ok i got the avatar set up.. pic of my baby fry :) 3 or 4 days old :)
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    hi everyone, i'm new to this board and was wondering how would i attach a picture onto a post so u can all view it... its not on the net or anything its a digi pic of my fish and tank... so wahts the easiest way to show pics as i want to show of my new little molly fry :thumbs: thx :)
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    Clouldy Tank

    when we first got out tank it was cloudy and all chemicals were the right level, we werent sure what it was but once we stopped worrying and just left it alone for a few days it went. however when i did a water change it went cloudy again, all very strange but the fish are happy enough. you may...
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    puffer fish

    thanks a lot everyone, i guess i will have to sacrifice looks for some really cool fish, i really want puffers so will look into square tanks. When i eventually save enough money to get puffers i am sure i will be back with lots of questions so watch this space, maybe i could move my goldfish to...
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    puffer fish

    ^^^ that was my girlfriend btw! :*)
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    puffer fish

    about the bio-orb, you see i am a girl and it is all about looks for me and i love the look of it, really different with pretty bubbles in the middle! :rolleyes:
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    puffer fish

    Also any info on dwarf puffers, are they sickly like dwarf guiramis?
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    Upgrading Tank

    about the plug issue, really dont worry, i have power bars plugged into power bars with my comp, monitor, printer, surroundsound speakers, hair dryer, hair straightner and fish tank and no fires yet! they are pretty safe. we have a rena tank, good price we felt and if you do a search on...
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    puffer fish

    Ok basically need some advice. :/ i am considering getting some puffer fish :S as i think they are so so cute so am considering buying a bio-orb tank ( for them as we have long finned fish (guppies and mollies) in our main tank and...
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    Molly Behaviour

    we bought a breeding net today and put a few babies in it, but there are a whole bunch that are still in the main tank and are fine! we also bought baby food for them. we have got rid of one of our male mollies now (went to a friend) so hopefully our females will not be so hasseled anymore! love...
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    uh oh snails

    just aquick question, do you thhink that our corys may be eating the snails, one disappeared earlier when the cory was very close!!!!! :lol:
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    uh oh snails

    its only 1 snail that i can see at the moment.. 1 tiny thing.. so hopefully i can catch it before it gets too big and starts to reproduce.. thx for the advice.. might try some cucumber tonight :sly:
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    uh oh snails

    its a 50 l tank (10 gallons uk i think, dont know US gallons)
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    uh oh snails

    just been to lfs to get some plants, before adding the plants we did check if there were any snails, and there wasnt.. didnt check well enough.. i've jsut notice a snail on one of the plants!!! its about as big as this o <--- not very big.. yet!!! what can i do about it?? i know there are...
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    babies everywhere!!!

    as yous guys and girls might know, mwe and my girlfriend have just become proud parents of baby black bolloon mollies a few days ago... but guess what?!?! now we got more babies!!!! this time guppys!!!!!!!!!! :fun: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh too many fish!!! not enough room! but if we can get a decent...
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    need info on mollies

    our molly just got seriously seriously fat, looked like a football! she had babies yesterday and we are very proud parents. it is said though that once a molly has been fertalised by a male she can keep the sperm inside her for up to 5 litters of babies hahaha, no action for the poor old males...
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    filter full of poop

    hi sorry for SOOO many questions but we are worry parents (mollys had babies) i've just notice that our filter in the tank (i think it is a rena filstar I2) just seems to be full of poop and fish food, or maybe this is teh bacteria... any idea how i can tell teh differences?? -_- thx onces...
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    Molly Behaviour

    BABIES EVERYWHERE!!!! :hyper: how do we look after them??? we are not ready to be parents!!! can we keep them in the same tank??? they eat the same food?? already seen one baby dead :-( and dont want any more help pls :byebye:
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    Molly Behaviour

    yep there are babies everywhere, i have a horrible feeling that the other fish are trying to eat them so have cought a cocple in my fish net and are keeping that in the water with them in, pretty sure they are molly babies but they are huge, cant believe they all came out of that poor female!!!!
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    Molly Behaviour

    Ok in our tank we have 4 little mollies, i believe they are called pot bellied mollies. Anyway we have 2 black and 2 white, the blacks are female and the whites male. The white mollies however are acting very strangley, firstly they fought with each other, we inored it as we thought it was...
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    still a cloudy tank

    we are pleased to annonce that the cloudiness has gone :kana: however on the glass is what looks to be colonies of white bacteria that are moving with the water. do we need to remove this or is it harmless and will just go away in time? :S thanks for all your help guys B)
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    Can Mollies live the cycling period?

    We have a new tank too with 4 pot bellied mollies which we put in after only 4 days (we tested the water first) anyway they are all very happy and the 2 females are pregnant we think (either that or they are taking the pot bellied aspect of their name a little too far). We asked in the fish shop...
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    my tank must be seriously overpopulated then.. got a 55l tank (12g uk i think)and quite a few fish.. all small fish through, the biggest i got is a pot belly molly. how many fish do u think is a good number for that size of a tank?? i read some where u should allow at least 1.5L per small fish...
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    Moving House

    Thanks guys, you have saved our fish and should be proud of yourselves, thank you xxxxx :D
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    Moving House

    Ok so we have a fish tank at our home with a number of fish, tetra's, mollies, guppies and a couple of albino corys. But there is a problem: :huh: We are moving to universtiy in a few weeks and have to take the fish with us. now i have spoken to a marine biologist mate of mine about moving...
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    still a cloudy tank

    on the tank and i presume on teh onaments as well becuase teh tubing of the air pump had some on it too
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    still a cloudy tank

    its a white colour slime and i did wash the gravel.. and yes the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates lvls are fine... my friend the cloudyness could be due to teh gravel.. but then not sure about the white colour silme.. :unsure:
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    still a cloudy tank

    hi again i've posted a while ago that i had a cloudy tank, but all bacteria lvls were fine, i've changed some water, but i was wondering what this layer of slime? (a bit silmey) is... might it be that we put too much anti stress in when adding the fish? its called "stress coat" any ideas??
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    complete n00b and need some help pls

    sorry what is the stuff you use? i might need some