oh no more babies!


New Member
Aug 12, 2004
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argggggggg my fish keep giving birth :unsure: busy little things.. i mean i dont mind having fry but my tank is already overstock.. i already got 13 mollie frys to look after now i've got about 10 babies guppies :blink:
i know i should be happy but its that i think my tank (filter) wont be able to handle all these extra bodies in a few weeks.. i just got my ammonia spike down as well...

oh well back to the lfs to see if they can take off my hands..

just thought i would share teh news with everyone.. anyone want to take some fish off my hands???
When you take the guppies to the store, why not just take all the females, including the adults and keep the males?

Then you will not get overstocked and still have lots of pretty fish.
chichester.. its near portsmouth :nod:
know it?? not many ppl do
fishywishy said:
chichester.. its near portsmouth :nod:
know it?? not many ppl do
Hi ya,

If ya realy stuck, I can take a couple, but realy depends on what color they are and the perantage. (I know I think I to picky to.)

I also know of LFS that will take fry near me, I'm in Salisbury, let me know what ya think. :)
I'm pretty sure there's any easy way to solve the problem; just let the fry get eaten by bigger fish. It's hard when you see them, and it might seem heartless, but it's for the greater good. It's also the natural cycle of things.
Ya, I have a pair of breeding Platty's, I called all lfs and none would take them, they are too common, so I went and got Peacock Eel, I at first was way overstocked with Platty fry and gave alot away to friends, two of them even went out and purchased tanks to get my fry!! but now I have fry almost every month and the eel gets a treat

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