still a cloudy tank


New Member
Aug 12, 2004
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hi again

i've posted a while ago that i had a cloudy tank, but all bacteria lvls were fine, i've changed some water, but i was wondering what this layer of slime? (a bit silmey) is... might it be that we put too much anti stress in when adding the fish? its called "stress coat"

any ideas??
If you have just set up the tank, then it will take a while to settle down.
Did you wash your gravel/sand? :)
its a white colour slime and i did wash the gravel.. and yes the ammonia, nitrites and nitrates lvls are fine...

my friend the cloudyness could be due to teh gravel.. but then not sure about the white colour silme.. :unsure:
on the tank and i presume on teh onaments as well becuase teh tubing of the air pump had some on it too
we are pleased to annonce that the cloudiness has gone :kana:

however on the glass is what looks to be colonies of white bacteria that are moving with the water. do we need to remove this or is it harmless and will just go away in time? :S thanks for all your help guys B)

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