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  1. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Wouldn't take much convincing!
  2. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Okay so a quick updated picture. You probably can't tell the difference but yeah haha.
  3. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    So I've just stuck my arm in there and moved around the plants I had wanted to for the left hand corner. Still not 100% happy with it, but it's looking better. Just got to wait for them to grow a bit more. I hate waiting for plants to grow! But as usual, I've been sitting here staring at the...
  4. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thanks guys! I'll have to keep a look out for that plant. I'm pretty limited to what I can get here. I don't trust fish shops to label plants correctly, and I haven't got a good enough eye for plant species. So I've been getting all my plants online, just depends whether they have it or not...
  5. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thanks for all the support guys! Sorry it's taken me so long to get pictures up. So far, I'm not really happy with it (again ;P). But I need to do some rearrnging, especially in the left hand corner. My Hyrgo Corombosa's have decided they don't want to grow leaves down the length of the...
  6. Gidge


  7. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Haa! Gold! Made my morning. :good: Plants are herrrre. Now to get motivated haha.
  8. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    That's so true :(
  9. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Well if that's the case, I'm not giving it to my plants, I'll slap some on a sandwhich!! :P Yeah I thought he'd turn into a bully. But so far, he hasn't bothered any of the other fish, just struts around, minding his own bees wax. But I am worried about playing match maker and giving him a new Mrs.
  10. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    :blush: :blush: Thanks very much!
  11. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    They didn't survive :( I was left with 3 and they started getting big and fat and healthy looking, then one day they weren't there :( I don't know whether to get him another Mrs??
  12. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Yep. No clue haha. All I know is with liquid CO2 you got to be careful not to over dose cos you'll get tons of algae!
  13. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Interestingly, I don't either :/ I am, but not as often as I should. I think the big helper is that my tank is right opposite my back door, and it gets loads of light. I've just been using liquid CO2 and API "Plant Food". Seems to be doing the trick?
  14. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Well, I said I was open to surprises, and I have just been surprised. Got an email from them today saying they're shipping the plants today. So they should be here tomorrow! Keen as mustard!
  15. Gidge

    June 2012 Pet Of The Month Competition Entries.....

    This is Lucky. He's the runt of the litter, we're bottle feeding him at the moment to try keep him alive. Entry: Verification:
  16. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thanks so much :) Well after staring at my tank for the last couple of days, I've just ordered some new plants. 2x Lilaeopsis Novaezlandiae 2x Bacopa Monniera 2x Hygrophilia Stricta 1x Limnophila Aromatica 1x Hygrophila Polysperma Will probably get them either Monday or Tuesday. I highly...
  17. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Ahhh well. Cant complain. I wasn't expecting to win anyway. Might give it another go. Need to do some replanting, little plants shooting up everywhere! My Wendtii is going mad. Absolutely mad! Thanks for the continued support guys :)
  18. Gidge

    May 2012 Fishof The Month Competition Entries

    if verification isn't good enough, will try get another. Let me know :)
  19. Gidge

    May 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Not the best quality, but here we go! Verification:
  20. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Papa Krib is doing a marvelous job :)
  21. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

  22. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Hey heyy. All is going well. Plants are growing really well. Have to start pruning the Siliquosa! Took a quick snap for you, bit of maintenance needs to be done, so it's not looking the best right now. Also, my Kribs had babies :D Too bad the male killed his Mrs. :angry:
  23. Gidge

    Kribensis Breeding Journal

    Outstanding :sad:
  24. Gidge

    Kribensis Breeding Journal

    Random question, but is it possible for the male to kill the female? I discovered some fry yesterday, and the female is no where to be seen. The male is looking after them 24/7 :(
  25. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thanks so much guys!
  26. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Probably a better pic. They look so much better on my phone :/ Must be different screen resolution or something technical like that haha :blush:
  27. Gidge

    New 64Ltr Project

    I agree with the gravel. Would look amazing with sand, black or white. So far, hardscape is looking good! Loving the black rock/slate (not sure what it is, but I want some!) Would love to see it when you have some plants in. :good:
  28. Gidge

    My 90L

    +1 exactly what I was thinking!
  29. Gidge

    I've Done Some Aquascaping

    Looks great, good work! :good:
  30. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thank you! :)
  31. Gidge

    Tiger Barb Tank Mates

    I am successfully keeping a group of 9 Tigers with Cories, and they are getting along fine, although I tend to agree, not really recommended. I'm also keeping them with a pair of Kribs, 6 Black neon tetra, and 6 Hengles Rasbora.
  32. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thanks so much guys! I certainly can't stop staring at it, but it's only because I'm looking for things to correct lol! It's a shame the photos don't really do it any justice. Gary: Scaping certainly is a skill! I had many ideas, but when it came to it, it just didn't look right. I had a plan...
  33. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    And here it is! Kind words please :P
  34. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    That is some quality paint skills :P That looks like a good idea, except I didnt check this post until AFTER I rescaped again :P So yes, my plants came today, they were all really good quality which I am happy about. I ended up finding some rock I thought might give it a nice natural look. I'm...
  35. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Thanks so much! It's great to get feedback :) I think you may need to draw it :P Thank you again :) Should be getting the plants tomorrow, so hopefully some picture for you too look at tomorrow as well :)
  36. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    So I ended up ordering some more plants. I just couldn't help myself!! :blush: I'm assuming they will be here Tuesday. Here's the list; 2x Ceratopteris Siliquosa 1x Ludwigia Natans 1x Hygrophilia Corymbosa 1x Ambulia Sessiliflora, emersed I know some of the above requires strong light, but...
  37. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    I just think the right hand side looks sort of..boring? But I agree, I think it needs some 'bunched' plants. I'll give the plants you mentioned a Google. Hopefully I can find them here -_- The plants on the wood have filled in nicely. The Wendtii is doing well, and my Java Fern is growing back...
  38. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    Argh! I don't know what to do with tht side! It's doing my head in! This has been going on for too long lol
  39. Gidge

    Kind Of Rescaping

    haha I'm exactly like that. I'm just trying to decide what i actually want to do with it! But thank you both for the feedback!