Tiger Barb Tank Mates


New Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Hi everyone,
My tank has been stable for about a month now thanks to all your help. I have x6 Tiger Barbs and x1 Bristlenosed Pleco in a 95litre tank. Filter is coping fine and everything apart from a touch of algae on my sand is going great. Just wanted to ask any suggestions for tank mates, I love my Barbs it seems hard to find suitable companions though.
6 more barbs :)

Could probably get some red eye tetra in there too, they are quite a nippy little fish with attitude too, should hold their own with Tigers.
What are the dimensions of the tank? Its just that they are quite chunky and active. I think some amano shrimp and cories would be your best bet...
Cories won't mix with tiger barbs. I know a few people have tried in, including me, and it hasn't worked out.

The only fish I've been able to keep successfully with tigers are zebra loach and plecs.
I am successfully keeping a group of 9 Tigers with Cories, and they are getting along fine, although I tend to agree, not really recommended. I'm also keeping them with a pair of Kribs, 6 Black neon tetra, and 6 Hengles Rasbora.
Cories won't mix with tiger barbs. I know a few people have tried in, including me, and it hasn't worked out.

The only fish I've been able to keep successfully with tigers are zebra loach and plecs.

Oh, fair enough. I've seen it done, but in bigger tanks. Wont work in a 95 then :good:
Dimensions are 80x30x40. had thought about x2 Opaline Gourami but have heard mixed thoughts. Online stores do say they will go together but my Tigers I thought might go for the long fins. I also thought about the Red eyed tetras, if so how any would you recommend?.
I have just read up on the amano shrimp and I think especially in my size tank the tigers will eat them, might leave that one.
I will take your advice and leave the corys due to the size of the tank. :)
I've tried black phantom tetras and cories in with my tigers (24, in a 220l tank) and the tigers killed one of the tetras within twelve hours and scared the cories so they would only come out at feeding time.

I have kept them with neons in a 100l, and that worked out ok.
They never bother my amanos at all, but they are 2inch
i have 9 barbs in my tank its a 250 ltr tank i have mollys neons rams tetras corys and a plec and 2 angels all been in there now around 2 months and there all doing good. lots of plants for them to hide
my barbs yes it was about 2 weeks ago. but there doing ok as they were all small. but first time i see them being naughty taking your advice tizer and takin them out.
You might be alright, you might not, out of the 18 or so i had, it was the smallest barb that used to have a go at other fish, then the others would join it! Little gits. I'd love to get some more....#63###, got me thinking now....i could get rid of all my corys..... :D Although they are such greedy fish, might become hard to feed my loaches! :D
hush, i need to save some monies for my tank upgrade, tiz far more important! :D

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