Kind Of Rescaping

Looking good hun, will have to give it another read once the morning coffee kicks into place though, some of the plant names just messed my head up :lol:
You should try some Alternanthera Rosaefolia, there's some pictures in my 90L journal but it needs to re-grow. Quality plant behind a bunch of green though :hey:
Thanks guys!
I'll have to keep a look out for that plant. I'm pretty limited to what I can get here. I don't trust fish shops to label plants correctly, and I haven't got a good enough eye for plant species. So I've been getting all my plants online, just depends whether they have it or not. Kinda sucks!!

Any thoughts on the ideas I had? Any improvements?
So I've just stuck my arm in there and moved around the plants I had wanted to for the left hand corner. Still not 100% happy with it, but it's looking better. Just got to wait for them to grow a bit more. I hate waiting for plants to grow!

But as usual, I've been sitting here staring at the tank for the past half an hour, brewing more and more ideas.. :blush:
Okay so a quick updated picture. You probably can't tell the difference but yeah haha.

Wow! Looking really good Gidge. You ever make it to California and I'll try and convince you to decorate my tanks. :good:
You're right, can't see a difference :lol: but it does look good :good:
Really interested in trying some Lilaeopsis Novaezlandiae, not sure it'll do well without any ferts though? :lol:

Why cant aquarium plants just have simple names, how do i even ask my LFS for these if i can't even say them :blush: haha.
You're right, can't see a difference :lol: but it does look good :good:
Really interested in trying some Lilaeopsis Novaezlandiae, not sure it'll do well without any ferts though? :lol:

Why cant aquarium plants just have simple names, how do i even ask my LFS for these if i can't even say them :blush: haha.

Write it down and say, "Here, my Latin sucks. Can you get this for me?"
Hey there, been haunting this thread a little and thought I'd shout out. You have really succeeded with the basic shape of everything, triangles everywhere. You are consistent with it and it makes your scape very pleasing to look at.

Normally, I would make a comment about having the same sort/color rocks as it looks nicer, but you have a nice river bed/riverbend look going on. :good: It's lovely and looking healthy!
Hey there, been haunting this thread a little and thought I'd shout out. You have really succeeded with the basic shape of everything, triangles everywhere. You are consistent with it and it makes your scape very pleasing to look at.

Normally, I would make a comment about having the same sort/color rocks as it looks nicer, but you have a nice river bed/riverbend look going on. :good: It's lovely and looking healthy!

Thanks very much :)

UPDATE: Just waiting to get some money in then ordering some Hydroctyle tripartita "Jap", and maybe another pot of Lilaeopsis novaezlandiae. I plan on moving the existing Lilaeopsis novaezlandiae into the back like I showed in the pics above, and putting the Hydroctyle tripartita "Jap" amongst the pebbles. Looks like a nice ground cover.
Hey guys!

Well I'm not sure if any one will follow this threaf any more, but thought I'd post in here instead of creating a new one.

Sorry i've been MIA for a while, had a lot os stuff going on, but I'm back :)

My tank at the moment is in a shocking state. Plants need to be pruned and re-planted. But as usual, I'm having bigger and better ideas. :shifty:

I've just got some more plants yesterday and have ordered more last night, that should be here in a few days.

Anubias Nana
Bacopa Carolinia (at least that's what the guy said it was :/)
Crypt Balansae
Tropica Sword
Amazon sword
Echinnodorus Ozelot Red

There is one other plant I have that I can't remember the name of! Could someone help identify it for me? It's the plant in between the two Bacopa's. It was something like Castata? :/


Anubias Nana

Any whoooo. I bacisally need to rip everything out because I have been infested with snails, and they're having a jolly good time munching on my plants :angry:

So as usual I will post up pics, annoy you lovely people with questions and hopefully have my tank looking good again :)
Okay so, my plants have arrived :)
But I also couldn't help myself and went to a different LFS and bought more plants :blush:

To add to my above pictures, I now have;

I can't remember the name of these 2 :crazy:

Narrow Leaf Hygrophilia and a small Sword (I'm not sure which type, I didn't trust the labels)

*These aren't mine, I just couldn't get good enough pictures of the ones I have, so google served me well*

2x Tropica Sword

2x Cryptocoryne Balansae

2x Amazon Sword

1x Echinodorus Ozelot

Honestly, buying plants is like having a gambling problem :/

I've also got some more sand ready to wash and put in, I want to increase the depth a bit. I plan on moving the main piece of wood around, not exactly sure where to yet. I might even just end up leaving it! All I know is, I want it really thick and forest like. I want people to walk past it and go 'wow, check that scape out..oh holy crap, there's fish in there!'

Anyhooo, I think I've done enough plant shopping..for now. :shifty: Now I need to set aside a day to take on this mission!
Hey Gidge, welcome back! Things have changed here quite a bit, while you were gone. Anyways, I'm sorry I can't help with the I.d. of the plants. I have ideas, but not positive. Keep updating, and I'll continue to follow.
I like the over planted look.

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