Kind Of Rescaping

That krib is a stunner, surprised the barbs aint munched that fry..
I used to have barbs in with my terrors and they didn't last seconds :blink:
That krib is a stunner, surprised the barbs aint munched that fry..
I used to have barbs in with my terrors and they didn't last seconds :blink:
Papa Krib is doing a marvelous job :)
Second place in TOM, not bad considering it was just a race between you and the winner. Sorry you didn't win, but maybe updated pics for this months competition....

Second place in TOM, not bad considering it was just a race between you and the winner. Sorry you didn't win, but maybe updated pics for this months competition....
Didn't even know you entered tank of the month, i stay away from that section of the forum as it makes me want more tanks :lol:
Grats on second place though :good:
Ahhh well. Cant complain. I wasn't expecting to win anyway. Might give it another go. Need to do some replanting, little plants shooting up everywhere!
My Wendtii is going mad. Absolutely mad!
Thanks for the continued support guys :)
Great work!! :) The plants are so vibrant!!! :hyper:

The Kribensis is a real beauty! Makes me want to go to the LFS right now (they're not even open!!!) and buy a pair! :rolleyes:
Thanks so much :)

Well after staring at my tank for the last couple of days, I've just ordered some new plants.

2x Lilaeopsis Novaezlandiae
2x Bacopa Monniera
2x Hygrophilia Stricta
1x Limnophila Aromatica
1x Hygrophila Polysperma

Will probably get them either Monday or Tuesday. I highly doubt they will be here Friday, but I'm open to surprises!
And of course, pictures to come :)
Well, I said I was open to surprises, and I have just been surprised. Got an email from them today saying they're shipping the plants today. So they should be here tomorrow!
Keen as mustard!
Well, I said I was open to surprises, and I have just been surprised. Got an email from them today saying they're shipping the plants today. So they should be here tomorrow!
Keen as mustard!

I dont like mustard :unsure:
Are you still dosing ferts ect btw?
I dont like mustard :unsure:
Are you still dosing ferts ect btw?
Interestingly, I don't either :/

I am, but not as often as I should. I think the big helper is that my tank is right opposite my back door, and it gets loads of light. I've just been using liquid CO2 and API "Plant Food". Seems to be doing the trick?
I like marmite though but i'm going to guess you've not a clue what that is :lol:.

Might try liquid CO2 myself as my DIY CO2 is becoming a nightmare since minnnt made me tweak it :sly: LOL.
Look forward to the updates :good:
I like marmite though but i'm going to guess you've not a clue what that is :lol:.

Might try liquid CO2 myself as my DIY CO2 is becoming a nightmare since minnnt made me tweak it :sly: LOL.
Look forward to the updates :good:

Yep. No clue haha. All I know is with liquid CO2 you got to be careful not to over dose cos you'll get tons of algae!
No liquid CO2 for me then, just stripped down the tank and power washed it outside few week ago due to algae :sad:
What happened with your krib kids btw? Did they ever get munched? :p
No liquid CO2 for me then, just stripped down the tank and power washed it outside few week ago due to algae :sad:
What happened with your krib kids btw? Did they ever get munched? :p
They didn't survive :( I was left with 3 and they started getting big and fat and healthy looking, then one day they weren't there :(
I don't know whether to get him another Mrs??

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