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  1. M

    My Ph Reading?

    hi i done a water change yesturday and have just done a water test and pH is 7.6 is this ok, it usually is about 8.0--thanks --mel
  2. M

    Testing My Water!

    fingers crossed for my nitrite result its looking good for my nitrite 2 more mins to wait................hopefully i'll finely be able to get some bloody fish lol the nitrite has slightly gone a tiny bit darker blue , do u think its worth taking a water sample to the fish pet store
  3. M

    Testing My Water!

    hi its been about 5 hours since i dont water change, will i get accurate results if i do it now
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    Testing My Water!

    surely theres people out there with an answer for me
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    Testing My Water!

    Hi people and good morning, i have just done a 15% water change and was wondering how soon can i do a water test after a water change, many thanks ~mel~ :blink:
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    My New 700 Litre / 155 Uk Gal Aquarium

    wow the tank looks fab :good: makes mine look tiny 60l , i would love a biger tank but not got the room and it cains my electric key, whats the name that fish int that pic i want one of those but cant think of the name
  7. M

    How Do I Keep Amm And Nitrite At 0?

    Hi all , ;) My tank has nealry finished its fishless cycle and i am waiting on starting in introducea few fish slowley , my question is once the fish are in whats needed to be done to keep ammonia and nitrite at 0, :blink: Many thanks ~mel~
  8. M

    Nitrite Reading!

    sj2k i havent done a water change since my ammoinia has been 0, i done a water change about a day ago can i keep testing to see if nitite readings go down, my nitrate readings was 7.0 then 8.0 then 10.00 now it reads 20.00 so i guess the cycle could be gettin to the end
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    Nitrite Reading!

    but some one told me that now my ammonia is down to 0 to not do water change and to wait and see if nitrite drop, the last water change i down was last night
  10. M

    Nitrite Reading!

    hi there, we are doing a fishless cycle ,weve been tackling with our nitrite readings it was 1.0 so we done a water change then it was 0.5 so we done another water change now it is 0.25 and we finally got the ammonia to ---0--- :good: we just need to get nitrite down , will it go down in time...
  11. M

    How Many Fish In 60l Tank

    hi , i want to get some neon terta's and simease fighting fish( not sure if the simease one i got right) but how many can i fit in a 60litre tank
  12. M

    Filter Problems?

    yes i put it back, but ive been cycling for 10days now, going to test water later coz i fed up of looking at a empty tank, are the fluffy bits doing any harm to fish, will they settle in time , coz i dont want to do another water change coz i want to put fish in, looking at an empty tank...
  13. M

    Filter Problems?

    its part of the filter media :blush: i took the funny black wholy thing out it looks fine but now theres all fluffy bits floating around will the filter sort it out, if so how long :huh:
  14. M

    Filter Problems?

    it looks like there a few white stones stuck in there or r they ment to be there (i didnt check it before i instaslled it
  15. M

    Filter Problems?

    cheers ill have a quick peek, but am new to this , if i cant see anything ill put it back and just keep an eye on water tests just that seem okish
  16. M

    Filter Problems?

    hi, shall i unlpug it and take out of tank, will it affect water if filter taken out and played with
  17. M

    Filter Problems?

    Hi all and good morning, I have been doing a fishless cycle for 10 days now i am new to the fish stuff, but i have noticed that my filter sounds a bit louder then usual, (ratterling/ vibrating louder then usual) is this normal ,shall i do a water test (if water comes back ok , the filter must...
  18. M

    25% Water Change

    well its been 10 days in to the cycle and results were Amm : 0.5 Nitrite : 0.5 Nitrate : 10.00 pH : 8.
  19. M

    Tank Temperature

    hi , i really couldnt say sorry as i am new to all this, but im sure someone else will be able to answer that for you, P.S i have a post do u have an idea when i can test my water again after a 25% water change
  20. M

    Tank Temperature

    hi , does your tank have a light, do u put your light on a certain number of hours aday, if so did u forget to turn it off ,other than that im sure someone else will be slong soon with another answer soon . melz
  21. M

    25% Water Change

    Hi i am doing a fishless cycle and got my water tested and it wasnt going as planned so we decided to do a 25% water change, when will it be ok to test water again many thanks melz
  22. M

    Are These Normal Water Readings

    there different forums so it should not really matter i posted in in the tropical chat , then realised there is a new hobby forum
  23. M

    Are These Normal Water Readings

    i dont have any fish yet, its a 60 litre tank
  24. M

    My Water Readings

    hi , i dont have anyfish yet
  25. M

    Are These Normal Water Readings

    hi im new to the forums and the whole fish thingy, any way my names mel, i set up my tank 4 days ago and took a water reading today just to see how things were going and my readings were Amm : 0 Nitrite : 0.35 Nitrate : 7.0 pH : 7.9 are these normal please help thanks mel ;)
  26. M

    My Water Readings

    hi i set up my tank on monday , and got a water test done and it says , Amm : 0 Nitrite : 0.35 Nitrate : 7.0 pH : 7.9 are these readings ok, what is the range Many thanks melz ;)
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    How Long Will A Fish Survive In The Dark

    fish need a light to be on for 10hours a day , to little light makes them ill and to much light could also make them ill, :(
  28. M

    Newbie Here ---- Water Problems

    she wrote all the numbers down she put Amm : 0 Nitrite : 0.35 Nitrade : 7.0 pH : 7.9 are these normal
  29. M

    Newbie Here ---- Water Problems

    Hi i got water tested everything seems fine , the cloudiness should fade away in time it the bacteria growth or something i was told
  30. M

    Newbie Here ---- Water Problems

    hi yes i am cycling , i called the pet shop for advice and they want a water sample , so i popping in there this afternoon, theres no point me buying a tester kit coz i live bout 1 minute away from pet shop. they say it sounds normal....does it sound normal to u people?
  31. M

    Newbie Here ---- Water Problems

    hi , i dont have any fish in the tank yet, and the water is a milky cloudy sort of colour
  32. M

    Newbie Here ---- Water Problems

    :) Hi people im new here my names mel, i brought a tropical fish tank 3days ago and set it all up everything seemed fine until we had a power cut yesturday evening, the power cut only lasted about ten minutes , the electric came back on the tank looked fine, but this morning when i got up the...