Are These Normal Water Readings


New Member
Oct 17, 2007
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hi im new to the forums and the whole fish thingy, any way my names mel, i set up my tank 4 days ago and took a water reading today just to see how things were going and my readings were

Amm : 0
Nitrite : 0.35
Nitrate : 7.0
pH : 7.9

are these normal please help

thanks mel ;)
No. Nitrite : 0.35 this should be 0. You tank looks like it is in the middle of a cycle. This will stress the fish and could possibaly cause fatalitys.

You should do a water change to reduce the nitrite level a bit.

Have a read of this topic.

Unless you have a heavily planted tank then I would advise you to follow this guide to cycle you tank before adding fish. I would look like you have cycled fast for a 4 day old tank. Are you using
ammolock or something?

Ammonia reading 0 is good
Ph is not realy an issue unless you have extreamly sensitive fish.

Edit to add.

Whats the current fish stock and volume?
i dont have any fish yet, its a 60 litre tank
Mel is currently doing a fishless cycle, as posted in tropical chat. Mel, could you please not post multiple threads asking the same question? someone will answer you with just 1 thread, im sure
there different forums so it should not really matter i posted in in the tropical chat , then realised there is a new hobby forum

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