Filter Problems?


New Member
Oct 17, 2007
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Hi all and good morning,

I have been doing a fishless cycle for 10 days now i am new to the fish stuff, but i have noticed that my filter sounds a bit louder then usual, (ratterling/ vibrating louder then usual) is this normal ,shall i do a water test (if water comes back ok , the filter must be ok you think?

please help , thanks

~ Mel ~
There may be somthing trapped in there or a general clog due to muck build up :) try taking the media out and having a quik inspection (dont let it dry out or the beneficial bacteria will be lost).
hi, shall i unlpug it and take out of tank, will it affect water if filter taken out and played with
Yeh unplug it but you shouldnt need to remove the whole thing :) just open it up in the water and inspect the contense :). If your ever unsure, leave it be ;)
cheers ill have a quick peek, but am new to this , if i cant see anything ill put it back and just keep an eye on water tests just that seem okish
cheers ill have a quick peek, but am new to this , if i cant see anything ill put it back and just keep an eye on water tests just that seem okish

Spot on :good:
it looks like there a few white stones stuck in there or r they ment to be there (i didnt check it before i instaslled it
If its just a few small ones then yes you can remove them as it sounds like a possible gravel build up :) if theres alot then id wait for further comfirmation as is could be part of the filter media :)
its part of the filter media :blush: i took the funny black wholy thing out it looks fine but now theres all fluffy bits floating around will the filter sort it out, if so how long :huh:
The funny black wholy thing? Sounds like a carbon filter sponge to me! If it meets the description of a sponge, put it back ;) I wouldnt worry too much about fluffy bits, your still cycling so you've got all the time in the world to clear up little issues like that :)
yes i put it back, but ive been cycling for 10days now, going to test water later coz i fed up of looking at a empty tank, are the fluffy bits doing any harm to fish, will they settle in time , coz i dont want to do another water change coz i want to put fish in, looking at an empty tank sucks!!!!

oh and will the fluffy things effect my water test results
The 'fluffy things' are probably just bits of filter wool :) There not a problem and will settle/filter out in time!

coz i dont want to do another water change coz i want to put fish in

Doing another water change before putting fish in wont do anything but good, if your going to cycle with fish you best be prepared to do ALOT of water changes, so get used to it ;)

Good luck and post here if theres anymore problems.

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