Newbie Here ---- Water Problems


New Member
Oct 17, 2007
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:) Hi people im new here my names mel, i brought a tropical fish tank 3days ago and set it all up everything seemed fine until we had a power cut yesturday evening, the power cut only lasted about ten minutes , the electric came back on the tank looked fine, but this morning when i got up the water has gone all cloudy, what do i do now, would be gratefull if any tips
Hi Mel, welcome to the forum. :hi:

Do you have fish in the tank yet?
:hi: to the forum :)

A 10 minute outage would have no effect on your tank.
what colour is the cloudiness?
hi , i dont have any fish in the tank yet, and the water is a milky cloudy sort of colour
hi yes i am cycling , i called the pet shop for advice and they want a water sample , so i popping in there this afternoon, theres no point me buying a tester kit coz i live bout 1 minute away from pet shop. they say it sounds normal....does it sound normal to u people?
I have had cloudiness before when cycling a tank, it was i presume a bacterial bloom, as for a test kit, i would suggest you invest in a good one yourself and not rely on my LFS all the time: good luck :)
Hi i got water tested everything seems fine , the cloudiness should fade away in time it the bacteria growth or something
i was told
How are you cycling your tank melz? adding ammonia or fish food or something else?

Also, if you get water tested at an lfs, never let them just say "it's fine" or "so-and-so is too high", make them write down the exact numbers. People's definitions of "fine" can vary a lot
she wrote all the numbers down

she put

Amm : 0
Nitrite : 0.35
Nitrade : 7.0
pH : 7.9

are these normal
I would definately recommend getting a test kit, its much better to test yourself as and when. Your tank isnt finished cycling yet, you need to add ammonia up to 4-5 ppm (this is where a personal test kit is handy) then wait for it to fall back to 0-1ppm, add more to 4-5ppm etc until it drops to 0 ammonia and 0 nitrites in 12 hours or less.


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