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    Transfering Piranhas

    if i put my 2 red belly piranhas (4" or so each) into a 5 gallon bucket... #1 should i have a 5 gallon for each or both in it? #2 just fill it up about 6" right? #3 theyre gonna be in there for about an hour and a half. theyll be fine without an airstone or anything right? #4 should i put a lid...
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    1 Or 2 Heaters In My Aquarium?

    what gallon is it? (width/height?) the rule of thumb is 5watts per gallon. it might be different for huge tanks, but a 300 would be good for a 60 gallon so most likely you'll need another heater.
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    Removing Carbon Filter?

    so i have to take out the whole filter pad then? because the beads are inside that. i probably don't wanna turn the filter off since it helps with oxygen. and if i do take it out just put it back in after a few minutes then? the bottle doesnt say when to put it back in
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    Bump On Tetra

    im not sure..maybe ick? posting it in the fish emergencies might get you ssome better answers
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    Removing Carbon Filter?

    I have a penguin 200 and I need to put some melafix in my tank. it says to remove carbon from filter if possible. Where in the penguin is the carbon? are they talking about the carbon in the filter pads that you have to replace every few weeks? if so how long should i keep it out? it doesnt say
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    Bucktooth Tetras/exodons

    hey wolf, quick question..well actually two. How is the tank as far as getting dirty (and w/c) and have u had any problems with cannibalism or fin-nips?
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    Tiger Barbs

    what gallon does a 60 litre come out to be, a 20g? what are the dimensions in inches?
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    Tiger Barbs

    is 29 gallon what a 54 litre tank is? if so id agree.. around 6-8 should be good depending on the space=good
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    My 20 Gallon Long Tank

    yea usually red bellies are better in 3s anyway (another reason im selling them) and 3 need about a 75G.
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    gotchya. im usually on a piranha forum and ppl use the feeders to help cycle then usually their piranhas just eat them as part of their diet. but i guess if youre not going to have something in there to eat them then its kinda pointless to just have them then get rid of them, etc. didnt really...
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    Bucktooth Tetras/exodons

    nice setup :good: i like that rock decor on the right..i almost thought about buying those rock shelves that you can setup any which way you feel like it but decided to just keep what i have...this is the tank mine are going to go in..decor will be slightly different
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    what fish should go in there then for the tank to cycle other than the fish he is probably trying to put in there? i always heard goldfish/feeder fish (when i said goldfish i meant feeders not the ones people keep as pets). what fish should go in then for future reference?
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    Bucktooth Tetras/exodons

    anyone have pictures of the exodon setups?? once i get mine (who knows when thatll be) ill put up some pics
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    what are you testing it with? i have the test strips but those can be inaccurate. if you are using the strips bring a sample of water to ur lfs and have them test it. also there are some things you can buy to cycle a tank quicker so you can try some of that too. other than that id say just throw...
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    My 20 Gallon Long Tank

    yea im trying to sell them actually
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    My 20 Gallon Long Tank

    the setup now is a little different...the decor is the same stuff except the plant on the left the plant on the left is now out. the standing driftwood is all the way to the right (a little further right then the tall green plant in this pic), the laying down driftwood is on the right, and the...
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    Bucktooth Tetras/exodons

    ok cool. i have a 20L....footprint is 30"L x 12"W x 12-13" tall has a penguin 200 and a powerhead..i think im gonna get about 10 once i sell my two piranhas maybe throw a pleco in there...will it be ok in there?
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    Bucktooth Tetras/exodons

    Anyone have these? if so, how do you like them and what is your tank setup?
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    Finally Got My Black Shark!

    Bala sharks definitely are great looking fish. Mine is only about 3-4" but I've seen pictures of ones that are about 10" + :good: