Bump On Tetra


Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
Up-State New York
I have a small black skirt tetra which for the past week has developed a white bump on the lower part of his body that i'd say was about 1/2cm in diameter. Its moved his scales (where it is) out of the way and appears on the other side of his body too, only not as severe and his scales on that side have not been moved. There is no redness at all. I fear it's probably a tumor and I may lose him soon.
Anyone confirm thats what it is?
im not sure..maybe ick?
posting it in the fish emergencies might get you ssome better answers
Is the bump hard looking or soft like filled with liquid.
Its defiantly not ick.

Wilder: its kinda hard to say, it kinda looks like its filled with puss i suppose.
I believe i have a small 2 or 3 Gallon hanging around somewhere. Glad there might be some hope.
Maracyn one and two, or tetracycline if you can issolate, good luck.
well it looks like he's getting better. it must have popped or something,because it has all of the sudden gotten considerably smaller and is flat rather than rounded. It is also more closer to his scale color rather than the milky color it was. Hopefully he'll fully recover :)
Thats a good sign then, don't cut the meds to short as it could all flare up again even if you have to do two rounds.
Good luck.
well that looks better but now his fins are all ragged :unsure: like he has fin rot or something. The other fish are all fine.
Secondary bacterial infection, once this happens the odds go down, keep going with the med, Good luck.

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