Removing Carbon Filter?


New Member
Mar 27, 2007
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I have a penguin 200 and I need to put some melafix in my tank. it says to remove carbon from filter if possible. Where in the penguin is the carbon? are they talking about the carbon in the filter pads that you have to replace every few weeks?

if so how long should i keep it out? it doesnt say
Yes the little black bead looking things. Those are what you remove. You add them back after the treatment is over.
Follow the instructions on the bottle. After treatment is over the water may be a little cloudy (this is normal). Doing a water change after treatment and then adding the carbon back to the filter will remove the cloudiness.
Yes the little black bead looking things. Those are what you remove. You add them back after the treatment is over.
Follow the instructions on the bottle. After treatment is over the water may be a little cloudy (this is normal). Doing a water change after treatment and then adding the carbon back to the filter will remove the cloudiness.

so i have to take out the whole filter pad then? because the beads are inside that. i probably don't wanna turn the filter off since it helps with oxygen. and if i do take it out just put it back in after a few minutes then? the bottle doesnt say when to put it back in
You should dump the carbon out of the filter pack and put the filter pack back in. If you change everything, you will throw away most all of your bacteria colony. Keeping the pack at least keeps part of it. You will also need new carbon when finished medicating. Carbon is fully absorded after a period of time (really indepth thread about carbon a couple days ago) so what is in there now most likely won't work to remove the meds. You can't put the carbon back in until after the treatment is complete, whether that be a week or what ever. As soon as you put the carbon back in, it will begin to remove the medication so you have to wait until the medication has time to work.

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