Finally Got My Black Shark!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2007
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You really have to see one of these to truly appreciate how cool they are!!
They are lovely fish, aspecially when they can be housed properly when they get to that 20" :)
No doubt! Mine is currently only 4 inches but he has 125 Gallons of tank to grow into, he should be a happy camper:)
Congrats Garbage! :good:

Thank you much! Ive been wanting one of these guys for awhile now, getting one of these guys though was much more difficult than I thought it would be! They dont exactly carry them in every corner LFS:)
Pity you don't live in north west uk, my local LFS has one in practically every tank.....
Had to return mine, they can be absolute monsters once they mark their territory and he took a severe dislike to angelfish. Wicked fish though, loads of personality, wish my tank had been better thought out so i could have kept mine....
Good luck with your shark! :p
PS. Careful, they are famous for jumping.
Pity you don't live in north west uk, my local LFS has one in practically every tank.....
Had to return mine, they can be absolute monsters once they mark their territory and he took a severe dislike to angelfish. Wicked fish though, loads of personality, wish my tank had been better thought out so i could have kept mine....
Good luck with your shark! :p
PS. Careful, they are famous for jumping.

Yup, here in Phx AZ you can only get them as babies unless someone takes a larger one back to a LFS and you get lucky enough to be in the right place in the right time to get him. I tried one of the little ones at ist and he dissapeared, later I found out he was sucked up into my powerhead:( Got the biggest powerheads I could find due to the tank size so I cant put anything too small in there Ive come to find out. Anyway I ended up getting lucky, found a 4 inch Black but I had to drive 40 miles to the other side of town to get him. Im definantly awayre of their temperment lol Ive got a RTBS who is bad enoough and Ive been told by everyone that Black sharks are worse, that said, other than the RTBS the rest of the fish in the tank are big cichlids so the new guy should fit in nicely! Thanx for the tip about the jumping, I knew Bala's were great jumpers, didnt know that about Black's though lol
Bala sharks definitely are great looking fish. Mine is only about 3-4" but I've seen pictures of ones that are about 10" + :good:
Bala sharks definitely are great looking fish. Mine is only about 3-4" but I've seen pictures of ones that are about 10" + :good:

Well, here is a pic of mine, he was 12 inches when I gave him to a friend:
Glad you got the little guy in there safely. Send me some pics of the tank and your fishies ;).

Here ya go my friend:)

1st the yellow lab, he is about 5 inches, full grown:


Next is the Dempsey, also about 5 inches not quite full grown:


Next I have a pic of the Severum, he's a big guy, approximatly 7 inches:


Next up, the RTBS, full grown, approximatly 4.5-5 inches:


Next is the Cobalt Blue, he is about 4 inches, Im pretty sure he is maxed out too:


Next up is the Red Devil, he is another big guy, probably about 7-8 inches but not nearly fully grown yet:


Next is the little jewel cichlid, not sure what his deal is but he seems to be stuck at about 2.5 inches, maybe I got the runt of the litter? heheh


Next is the New Black Shark, he now sits at about 4 inches, not as filled out as the RTBS yet but with a max size of 24 inches, i think he will quickly outgrow even the Devil:


Here is a pic of the Bala shark I recently gave to a buddy, he was a good 12-13 inches, big guy!:

And here is a shot of the entire tank, it's a 125 Gallon, currently running 3 of the biggest powerheads I could find, 6.5 ft of bubble hose, and an Eheim Professional II cannaster


Only one not pictured here is new the Oscar, not sure if he is gonna continue to be a member of this community, he isnt holding up too well.
AWSOME!!! They all look healthy and happy!!! Keep me updated as much as possible!!! :good:

Thank you very much! Ill definantly keep you posted with any new pics. A bit of good news, at 1st I was sure the new Oscar was going to have to be removed because nearly every fish in there attacked him. I went ahead and isolated him for awhile and reintroduced him, while he is still a bit beat up it seems that the rest of the fish have lost intrest in him and Im alot more optimistic about keeping him. It seems like everytime I try to add something new, their 1st instinct is to kick his butt lol but it seems like if the fish makes it through the 1st few days, usually he is accepted, that is what Im hopeing is happening here. I will be keeping a very close eye on the Oscar for the next few weeks.
AWSOME!!! They all look healthy and happy!!! Keep me updated as much as possible!!! :good:

Thank you very much! Ill definantly keep you posted with any new pics. A bit of good news, at 1st I was sure the new Oscar was going to have to be removed because nearly every fish in there attacked him. I went ahead and isolated him for awhile and reintroduced him, while he is still a bit beat up it seems that the rest of the fish have lost intrest in him and Im alot more optimistic about keeping him. It seems like everytime I try to add something new, their 1st instinct is to kick his butt lol but it seems like if the fish makes it through the 1st few days, usually he is accepted, that is what Im hopeing is happening here. I will be keeping a very close eye on the Oscar for the next few weeks.

The Oscar is not 95 percent healed and is fitting in wonderfully! Happy ending after all!:)

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