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  1. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    It's Hygrophila Corymbosa "Angustifolia" :)
  2. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    Yeah :) I did remove quite a bit at the weekend, I'm not going to put the red rock lava thing back as that are is now pretty well planted. I need to prune one of the original plants, can I get a cutting this way?
  3. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    Yeah they get to between 11 and 15 cms from what I've read.... hopefully I'll have upgraded from 150 litre to 300 by then :) pic,
  4. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    Following on from the advice given I filled a 6 gallon bin with water and let it sit for a couple of days. I removed all the medium sized pebbles, the larger rocks, the red feature rock and the bogwood and scrubbed them all gave the plants alight rub with the algae sponge as well. Had a good...
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    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    I'll uncover tonight. Your tank in your sig is beautiful btw!
  6. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    No airstone. I don't let the water stand for a day, I've not got enough buckets :lol: I take it the blackout won't effect BBA? Thanks all for replying! :)
  7. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    The tank is a cayman scenic 80. 150 litres All the substrate is just bog standard coloured gravel. The bulbs were for a planted aquarium and for bringing out the fishes colours iirc. I'll get some seachem :) Thanks.
  8. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    I'm not using any co2. Looking at the link now, cheers. It does look like BBA doesn't it!!
  9. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    2 18w white tubes. Dosing with flora 24. It's my first planted tank so hardly surprising it's gone 'TU' Tank has now been 'blacked out'....
  10. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    10am - 3pm 5pm - 10am
  11. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    I checked my levels this evening. Nitrate = 7ppm Nitrite = 0ppm Ammonia = 0ppm PH = 7.4 I'll give the blackout a try :look: *fingers Crossed*
  12. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    2 Months on and well frankly, it's disgusting!! I've been doing the same amount of water changes I always have done but...:-( :( :crazy: well here, check out the pics : I've tried Green water control and hair algae treatment but so far nothing is touching it. Can't believe the...
  13. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    2 Months on and well frankly, it's disgusting!! I've been doing the same amount of water changes I always have done but... :-( :( :crazy: well here, check out the pics : I've tried Green water control and hair algae treatment but so far nothing is touching it. Can't believe the...
  14. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    I am noticing a bit of browning on some leaves :X :/ Any suggestions? Will post water results tomorrow :nod:
  15. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    :crazy: :crazy: I removed the plant completely from the tank and ran it under water to loosen the rockwool, then did a water change to suck up any floating bits. I was in 2 minds about planting the tank but now I've got those 6 in there I really hope they are ok. :) Can't believe how...
  16. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    Thank you all very much for your comments :) Amazing that the same girl who chose the muti-coloured gravel also designed this scheme.... Thanks again. :)
  17. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    Well that was fun :no: Plastic pots and most the Rockwool removed.... Hope I've not damaged the roots :( Guess time will tell.
  18. D

    Algae Troubles, Please Go To Last Few Posts.

    Hi, I've just set up my first planted tank, all the plants came in little black pots with rock wool (roots hanging out the bottom). Should I remove all the plants from the pots? if I don't will this effect the plants growth? Cheers, Paul... oh yeah, and a pic :good:
  19. D

    Just A Quickie....

    After advice from here I spread out the plants a little;
  20. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    Right, I've spread the plants apart a bit, will take a pic once the clouds have settled. :good:
  21. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    Cheers for the advice, I'll move them tonight :) On the left starting on the back; Echinodorus Grandiflorus ssp. Echinodorus Bleheri (paniculatus) Echinodorus x Barthii and on the right from the back; Echinodorus x Barthii Hygrophilia Corymbosa "Angustifolia" Samolus Volerandi It's my first...
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    Just A Quickie....

    Took some more shots;
  23. D

    Just A Quickie....

    Added plants this afternoon.
  24. D

    My New Set Up

    If you don't mind me asking how much did they charge for the tank and cabinet? Beautiful layout! Cheers, Paul.
  25. D

    Just A Quickie....

    It's a lemon Barb. :) Cheers I'll know for next time! :D As for what plants I'm not sure as yet, I do like the look of it as it is but deffinitley want some greenery in there to break up the gravel, pebbles, rocks and also to hide the filter a bit.
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    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    :good: :good: :good: So, how do you think I should plant it? :hey: :hey:
  27. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    All real :D Fish are back in their new home.... Prefer it without the air bubbles so the line will be coming out when I plant at the weekend!
  28. D

    Just A Quickie....

    Got home and the water is completly clear, carried out a 6 gal water change anyway :) Tested the water, bout 7ppm of nitrate so moved the fish into the new home! :D Will monitor water readings and make water changes as needed.
  29. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    The old gravel was my girlfriends idea. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it! :good:
  30. D

    Just A Quickie....

    Yep, picking my plants this week! :D :D
  31. D

    Swapped Out The Gravel And Background, Planting Next Week....

    Fancied a bit of an overhaul. Before; After;
  32. D

    Just A Quickie....

    Before; After; Going to plant it next week :)
  33. D

    Just A Quickie....

    Yeah it was bought from the LFS. Had it in a big bin with the hose pipe running though it for a good few hours this afternoon! :) Still clouded up the water though :no: Will wait till the water is completely clear and then take some readings.
  34. D

    Just A Quickie....

    I transfered my fish over to the second tank, along with the filter that had been running in the main tank for a week or so. I've emptied the water from my main tank and have now added the new gravel and filled back up with water. How long till I should be able to add the fish back to the tank...