Just A Quickie....

Dr Bob

Fish Fanatic
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Macclesfield, Cheshire, UK
I transfered my fish over to the second tank, along with the filter that had been running in the main tank for a week or so. I've emptied the water from my main tank and have now added the new gravel and filled back up with water.
How long till I should be able to add the fish back to the tank?


Personally, if the new gravel was made for fishies and I pre-washed it, I would add the fish right away. But maybe give it a day, do a good 90% water change, add new water, then go for it.
Personally, if the new gravel was made for fishies and I pre-washed it, I would add the fish right away. But maybe give it a day, do a good 90% water change, add new water, then go for it.

Yeah it was bought from the LFS. Had it in a big bin with the hose pipe running though it for a good few hours this afternoon! :) Still clouded up the water though :no:
Will wait till the water is completely clear and then take some readings.




Going to plant it next week :)
WOW! :drool: :drool: What a magnificent change! That looks fantastic. Are you going to plant it as well?
Get the cloudyness out by doing water changes. Don't want it to clear up by sitting on the bottom of your tank.

Got home and the water is completly clear, carried out a 6 gal water change anyway :)

Tested the water, bout 7ppm of nitrate so moved the fish into the new home! :D

Will monitor water readings and make water changes as needed.
nice. that looks a million times better.

just for future reference the bacteria living in the filter will start to die off after 12 hrs if you leave them in a tank with no ammonia source. I would have put the fish back in as soon as the water had reached the correct temp. :)
What is the yellow fish, cant see it clearly?

It's a lemon Barb. :)

just for future reference the bacteria living in the filter will start to die off after 12 hrs if you leave them in a tank with no ammonia source. I would have put the fish back in as soon as the water had reached the correct temp. :)

Cheers I'll know for next time! :D

As for what plants I'm not sure as yet, I do like the look of it as it is but deffinitley want some greenery in there to break up the gravel, pebbles, rocks and also to hide the filter a bit.

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