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  1. ox5477

    Aggression Or Territorialism In Danios

    And its the way natural selection helps stop sickness and disease from being spread.... the sick are exiled and kept from the healthy. Also, the genetically diseased or malformed usually will not mate so their genes will not get passed on.... nature is amazing Ox :good:
  2. ox5477

    Starting My Own Reef Tank- The Tank Of My Dreams!

    Looks like a good book. And the way he starts intro off talking about the class clown who asks whether he can eat everything is an funny way to start off an otherwise seeming textbook-like book. Makes it feel like he will put in a little wit and humor as things are outlined as the book goes...
  3. ox5477

    Am I Ok For Corals?

    Good thinking Jonny. Ask anyone and they will agree with this. Always better to take your time when setting up anything marine. Worth the extra time, patience and research in the end. Ox :good:
  4. ox5477

    Hungry Or Territorial?

    any large medium to high aggressive cichlid would work. But dont go too overboard. Nelly has shown us proof that though o's can be tough, they can get beat pretty good. His o's got beat up by his Jag and a vieja he had in with them. With the breeding pair of cons you may be asking for...
  5. ox5477

    Angelfish Bullying!

    It prob was stress. Sorry to hear Ox :good:
  6. ox5477

    Centre Piece Fishes

    Well lets go down the list: 10 neon teras - snacks when fm's grow (or atleast will get nipped and bullied) 5 orange platys - snacks when fm's grow (or atleast will get nipped and bullied) 7 gold white cloud minnows - snack's when fm's grow (or atleast will get nipped and bullied) 1 red tail...
  7. ox5477

    Aggression Or Territorialism In Danios

    The dominant male in my shoal of giant danios tends to get nippy with all members of the shoal though I rarely see him actively chase anyone away and keep them from his area.... interesting Ox :good:
  8. ox5477


    Well yes, all aggressive fish start off peaceful mark. But, as they grow, they mature and become very protective of their territory. It is a natural instinct to protect it to have a place to show off to a girl and have ample feeding grounds. The rtbs is prob fine with the neons because they...
  9. ox5477


    I would def say the rtbs and rams are a no go together depending on what sized tank you have (a very big tank is less of an issue). If you have a 150L tank, then I would say a pair would fit in their perfectly. Anything smaller and you might want to just get a single individual for the reason...
  10. ox5477

    Hungry Or Territorial?

    well to get a pair of oscars when they are grown, it is very hard. The best case is to buy a shoal of 6 or so o's while still juves and let them pair off on their own. A big tank like you have is usually neccessary for this as it takes the o's a little longer to reach sexual maturity so while...
  11. ox5477

    Am I Ok For Corals?

    well there are some reefers who swear by using special gloves made specifically for the trade that are rubber and have long sleeves to cover your arm up to and past your elbow to protect you from stinging corals and I would assume to keep your dirty hands from messing the water too (but, in...
  12. ox5477


    It didn't die, it molted, but I do agree that if something died from a disease then def not a good idea to let it get eaten by others in the tank
  13. ox5477

    What Is The Weirdest Food You Have Ever Tasted?

    Sorry if anybody likes this style of food... but I am not a fan of any Ethiopian style cuisine and thought it was quite weird. The bread they use as a plate, utensils and a napkin is called injera and tastes like a cold wet sponge.... grossed me right out... Dont like that everything is like...
  14. ox5477

    We Know Where You Live, Now Where Do You Work?

    Nobody is gonna be stealing anything with that tough looking security guard standing there..... haha :lol: Well I guess I'll join Ludwig in the saying that i'm an engineer too. I'm a Mechanical Engineer and work for Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics in a product support group called Field Triage...
  15. ox5477

    Got A New Camera. So I Tried It Out

    Two people have already said it.... but it doesnt stop me from being a smart a$$.... "Only a true professional pauses to snap a pic of a garbage bin" :rolleyes: Ox :good:
  16. ox5477

    Am I Ok For Corals?

    There are tons of good starter corals out there that require medium intensity light and will survive off of just this (though an occational feeding of baby brine or phytoplankton will benefit them). These include zoos, leathers, kenya tree, xenia, mushrooms, and quite a few other anenome like...
  17. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    well I didnt get back in time for the 10K lights but I got a couple pics with the actinics on. Made the zoas phosphoresce nice: To start, another cute pic of my goby peaking out: And two pics of the zoas (still not completely open but shows the color): Thanks for the comments guys :) Ox...
  18. ox5477

    Upgrade To The 55

    Well here some update pics: Xenia and Kenya Tree: Mushroom Rock: Trying to be cute for me but my camera has let me down. One of my Engineer gobies peeking out from under a rock: And finally a FTS: I need to get a pic of the green centered zoas (bottom right of FTS), but when I cleaned...
  19. ox5477

    Angelfish Bullying!

    The second filter set-up you mentioned will be better so you have some filtration left in the main tank then will filtration for the other. Ox :good:
  20. ox5477

    Do You Keep A Tank Diary?

    well when your spending $80 for a coral frag or $75 for a dwarf angel, I would rather test the water rather then stressing the fish and waiting for them to either start shriveling or losing their color before I do anything. But, on the fresh side, I dont test very regularly.... but I dont think...
  21. ox5477


    Turning it off means the bacteria will prob die within an hour or two. The bacteria needs constant water flow to bring it a constant supply of food. Even after a few minutes, some of the bacteria will begin to die off. If you believe there is too much current, then try directing the output...
  22. ox5477

    Angelfish Bullying!

    well if it isn't cycled, then you will be putting stress on the fish because the poisonous wastes that they naturally produce will not be dissolved by bacteria. If anything, I would move the new guy there. If you removed the other three and left the new guy in the big tank, it may claim the...
  23. ox5477


    For FO tanks, it is a matter of taste and how much money you have in your wallet. Obv, the longer they are on, the more money it will cost. The most important thing to do is get the fish in a routine. Buying a timer is a great investment as the light will automatically turn on and off at the...
  24. ox5477

    Angelfish Bullying!

    If you dont do somethign to try and give it an even playing field then yes, it will prob be bullied enough to kill it or be stressed enough that it will contract an illness and die from that. Try the re-decoration and if that doesn't work, best thing is to return the new guy to the lfs... Ox...
  25. ox5477

    Do You Keep A Tank Diary?

    I will say that the past can help you with the present and the future. It's something called Quality Control (QC). I work for a medical diagnostic company and many of the machines that we produce require a daily or atleast weekly QC log to be kept to see trends and irregularities. True, if...
  26. ox5477

    Angelfish Bullying!

    If you try to introduce another adult cichlid into an established cichlid's territory then you will get this. The best thing to try is rearrange the tank decor and do at least a 50% water change. this should give them each equal opportunity to claim territory and should help the aggression...
  27. ox5477

    Do You Keep A Tank Diary?

    yes, have a saltwater diary 55G Reef Ox :good:
  28. ox5477

    Long Lasting Mystery Behaviour Needs Diagnosis.

    For the stress aspect of it, your rtbs might be the issue. Most people have issues with these guys as they can be quite aggressive to others. with the tank volume being relativily small, the other could have no where to go so they may be getting pestered by the rtbs..... Ox :good:
  29. ox5477

    Magic Online 3

    I've heard about it. Is it Shandalar or something? Whats the link for it? Ox :good:
  30. ox5477

    Diablo Iii

    Im actually glad they are on the computer. I hate when PC games try to cross over to the darkside (consoles) or vice-versa. Changes the whole playability of the game and the littlest change can make the game completely different. Now I couldn't imagine having a game pad instead of my keyboard...
  31. ox5477

    Paint Fumes And Fish

    well if you can seal the tanks off in a bedroom or something... and make sure the windows where your painting are open, the tanks should be relativily protected. If you really get worried, pack a towel or some old t-shirts around the edge of the door that is seperating the tank room from the...
  32. ox5477

    Keeping My Tank Cool.

    you dont have flourescents on there right now? what kind of fixtures are you using? Rigging up a fan to blow across the surface of the water will help carry heat away in the form of evaporation. Ox :good:
  33. ox5477


    Like most cichlids, they should have an omonivorous diet to be healthy. This includes things like mysis, small cichlid pellets and peas when smaller, and when it grows bigger, things such as cichlid floating pellets, peas, krill, and other meaty foods are good. They may even take a taste of...
  34. ox5477

    Diablo Iii

    100% agree about that. Why would they change it. If you weren't smart enough to make a tp and go to town as soon as the lvl 87 goes hostile with you then you should lose all your stuff... matter of common sense really. Ox :good:
  35. ox5477

    Your House Pics

    In America, very few front lawns are fenced in. Usually, only in the more urban/downtown areas do you see more fenced in front lawns. But go anywhere in the US and you will prob see a street of unfenced front lawns... Ox :good:
  36. ox5477

    Quietest Canister?

    Yep, I would go with the German's here... cost more money but you will usually get much better quality Ox :good:
  37. ox5477

    Will Bleach Kill Unwanted Snails?

    Bleach will kill most living things in high enough concentrations... hnece why it is a good method so sanitizing... kills the living "baddies" that we dont want around Ox :good:
  38. ox5477


    here is a link to a water chemistry FAQ... explains a simple way to buffer water using peat....FAQ Ox :good:
  39. ox5477

    Star Wars V Star Trek

    Colin, the whole first three episodes are about Anakin turning into Vader. The mental transformation is much more drawn out and when he fights obie wan, the only transition left is his physical appearance.... as his psychological character is already set before he starts fighting on mustaphar...
  40. ox5477

    Whats Your All Time Favourite Song?

    I have to say anything Rammstein because I do fancy the heavier stuff. But, the reason I really have to say they have made the best music, is because most of us stupid americans just buy and say hey, that sounds good without actually knowing what they are saying. Most of the songs they sing...