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  1. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    No fans whatsoever. Remember these had less than ideal conditions so perhaps damaged? Err... Stumped now.
  2. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Shrimp with no 'fans'
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  4. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Shrimp with 'fans'
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  6. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    From what I can see one is an amano and the other a bamboo? They were purchased very small three months ago - could be juvenile?
  7. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    My existing shrimp are happy, parameters are spot on. Just didn't want them eaten!
  8. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Ok. Can't move yet as only have one quarantine and I'm not kidding you the water is yellowy brown. The shrimp can go in my 26 litre as long as they'll be ok with Cherry Shrimp and Orange Shrimp? That's the substrate from the tank they were in - only a few stones - otherwise quarantine tank is...
  9. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Would the yo yo loach be ok in my setup detailed above? I'd make them upto a shoal of 5 if they survive...
  10. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Thank you very much, definitely bamboo shrimp and yoyo loach :)
  11. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    slightly better loach pics  
  12. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Will try to get a better shot of the loach with a different camera. Thanks for the help on the shrimp. I have no idea how they've survived thus far then! They haven't been predated by the tiger barbs they are with, but I have a shoal of 12, would it be safe to put them in my tank if they...
  13. Glitzy

    Need Id On Some Fish, Please

    Got a rather frustrating call yesterday, acquaintance who I've been trying to help with his 2 foot tank but failed (think vast overstocking, inappropriate stocking, no water changes and using stress zyme like water) has given up. "They keep dying" *facepalm* So, unless I took them this morning...
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  17. Glitzy

    Been Shouting At The Television Tonight

    Interesting method of introducing fish too...
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  19. Glitzy

    Been Shouting At The Television Tonight

    Peter Andre: My Life. Decided to get fish. Ended up buying a Biorb. Within a week had it stocked with a couple of angels, male and female Siamese fighters, a Bala shark (!), a frog and Lordy knows what else. I was just cringing, then shouting in disbelief!
  20. Glitzy

    Wanting Rams

    Yes, could go with tetras in 200 litre. Had to stop stocking the 200 litre as the tiger barbs murdered everything I tried to add! So if I put the barbs in the 125 litre there will only be 7 harlequin rasboras and 7 pepper corys and a pec in there with the rams...
  21. Glitzy

    Wanting Rams

    I'd be loath to put them in with the tigers, they're really aggressive, murderous things! Actually, would 12 tigers be ok in 125 litre? They can then scrap amongst themselves and the rams go in the 200 litre... But I've heard rams and corys don't get on...
  22. Glitzy

    Wanting Rams

    We currently have the 200 litre tank with the tiger barbs and corys, but we really want to keep rams and wouldn't mind another tank. As space is somewhat tight we'd be looking at a 125 litre tank - fluval roma 125 would fit the space we have. Is a 125 enough space for one pair of GBR and a...
  23. Glitzy


    Two rooms I have tanks in are in desperate need of decoration. I'll need to use emulsion and gloss. What are the best things I can do to prevent fumes getting in? I presume filter and air pump off and cover with a blanket with windows open? Or would any of that do more harm than good?
  24. Glitzy

    Favorite Fish

  25. Glitzy

    Corey's Not Happy With Myxazin

    Ok so I've done a 70% water change, corys much happier. I'm going to get a hospital tank set up in the morning and treat the barb in that. Are there any shoal issues taking him out on is own the re-introducing him (knowing how heirachical they can be!)
  26. Glitzy

    Corey's Not Happy With Myxazin

    I suppose there is another option, I could use my spare as a quarantine and treat the barb in it? Corys are not breathing rapidly or anything, is 90% really needed?
  27. Glitzy

    Corey's Not Happy With Myxazin

    I hadn't, have had bad experiences with carbon in the past so never use it. I was assured that leaving it at least four days after the Protozin (actually left it six days) plus the water change would be sufficient. I'm wondering if I should halve the dose or even put the Corys in my spare...
  28. Glitzy

    Corey's Not Happy With Myxazin

    I have a barb which has fungus type growth on its 'nose'. Think it came in with it, as it popped up less than a week after putting it in my aquarium. LFS recommended protozin, did two cycles of that and whilst it did drop off during treatment it grew back when treatment finished. So LFS...
  29. Glitzy

    Ideal Tank Setup For Blue Lobster (Crayfish)

    Food for thought, ta :)
  30. Glitzy

    Ideal Tank Setup For Blue Lobster (Crayfish)

    I didn't think you could keep two together? The LFS has two fairly large ones together and they live peacefully, they've been together a while as nobody really wants them! Could that continue or would it finish up being fight to the death?
  31. Glitzy

    Ideal Tank Setup For Blue Lobster (Crayfish)

    Sorry I couldn't find a specific forum as such for this so if mods think there's somewhere more appropriate then move it obviously. Husband has decided what he really wants for his 40th birthday is a blue lobster. Now, back in the day when we didn't know as much about the hobby we got a teeny...
  32. Glitzy

    Medications For When You Have Shrimp

    Really appreciate it :)
  33. Glitzy

    Medications For When You Have Shrimp

    There's no emergency right now but after previous bad experiences with my LFS I'd really like to know of good anti Ich/fungus and anti parasitic meds to use when you have shrimp in the tank. As I say no one is unwell and I hope that long remains the case, I'd just feel reassured to have the...
  34. Glitzy

    Argh. My Vallis Is Constantly Being Chewed And Uprooted

    By the tiger barbs. Got three big bunches from planted tanks last week and they're practically all gone! Still, at least they're leaving the amazon sword, anubias and java fern alone... Otherwise I'd have a very bare tank!
  35. Glitzy

    Plec Behaving Really Out Of Character

    Today he's come out from under the bogwood and firmly wedged himself in a decorative urn.
  36. Glitzy

    Plec Behaving Really Out Of Character

    I've known this plec for nigh on three years, he came to us a couple of months ago along with the tank we inherited.  Not sure what kind of plec he is, but he's probably 3 years plus old, around four to five inches in length.  I was told he was a common plec but again have no real idea.   He's...
  37. Glitzy

    How Do You Know When The Filter Is 'holding It's Own'

    Yep the barbs are in a shoal of 12 in the big tank. Still ate Cardinals.
  38. Glitzy

    How Do You Know When The Filter Is 'holding It's Own'

    I'm waiting for the plants to be delivered. I had to set the tank up in a hurry as my tiger barbs decided to eat the cardinals...