Wanting Rams


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2012
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We currently have the 200 litre tank with the tiger barbs and corys, but we really want to keep rams and wouldn't mind another tank.

As space is somewhat tight we'd be looking at a 125 litre tank - fluval roma 125 would fit the space we have.

Is a 125 enough space for one pair of GBR and a pair of Bolivians? Or is tat not enough territory for pairs?

Also, what else would you put with that combo?
I think it might be a bit tight. Why not get a pair in each tank and shuffle some other fish around so there's a balance between your two tanks?
I'd be loath to put them in with the tigers, they're really aggressive, murderous things!

Actually, would 12 tigers be ok in 125 litre? They can then scrap amongst themselves and the rams go in the 200 litre...

But I've heard rams and corys don't get on...
My rams don't mind any of my catfish. My dominant male gets a little nippy during feeding, but that's all. They would do fine with your corydoras but you are right about the tigers. They need to be kept separate. I keep cherry barbs with my rams and they live very well with the rams.
The barbs should be fine in a 125, maybe with one of the smaller plec species for the bottom, and the rams will then be fine in the 200. You could also add some shoalers like cardinal tetra, harlequins or dwarf rainbows for a bit of mid-water interest.
Yes, could go with tetras in 200 litre. Had to stop stocking the 200 litre as the tiger barbs murdered everything I tried to add! So if I put the barbs in the 125 litre there will only be 7 harlequin rasboras and 7 pepper corys and a pec in there with the rams...
You could even just get more harlequins which is what I'd do. Black harlequins and Coppers, thin line harlequins would all look cool and make your Rams pop even more in terms of colour. But without the tigers, you've got loads of choice.

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