Medications For When You Have Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Dec 29, 2012
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There's no emergency right now but after previous bad experiences with my LFS I'd really like to know of good anti Ich/fungus and anti parasitic meds to use when you have shrimp in the tank.

As I say no one is unwell and I hope that long remains the case, I'd just feel reassured to have the knowledge should something occur.
Anything contianing copper is going to be a big no for medications, simply because it will more than likely be in high doses.
When I have had to treat for white spot in a tank full of cherry shrimp I have had good successs with an Australian product made by Science Products called Broad Spectrum. I only use the one that has the following active constituants
24.2g/L Mafenide HCL
3.3g/L Aminacrine HCL
0.4g/L Malachite Green
This is safe to use on loaches, tetras and fish fry and my cherry shrimp have powered through tank treatments with this product.
Another option is adding Indian Almond leaves to the tank for their antibacterial properties.
The major ones:
  • Clindamycin
  • esHa Exit
  • JBL Furanol (2)
  • Seachem Paraguard
  • Sera Bactopur
  • Sera Omnipur S

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