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    See What I Got

    WOW very envious wish I could find a sale like this
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    Lights On Or Off?

    Ikea have really cheap timers and I pop my tank on for 10 hours a day. Its all automated and hasstle free.
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    Fry Advice Yellow Labs!

    Hello as some of you might know from other post I had a suprise fry recently I thought Mrs Superlamb would be too stressed after her move to new home to be interested in breedng but after some stress and my first stripping I have a healthy fry 15+ they are eating well and growing everyday. I...
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    I Thinks She's Holding

    My tank now has a fry of tiny babies in it woooo there are about 15 but the little sods wont stay still to be counted lol mrs superlambbanana is happy back in big tank.
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    I Thinks She's Holding

    the tank they are currently in is a 320l community they were origanally put there for short time while i cleaned the very very dirty tank they were given to me in how ever they are really happy in it they havent eaten anything ( including the danio's which i was suprised at) they are the boss of...
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    I Thinks She's Holding

    I was given a pair of yellow lab chichlids ( Labidochromis caeruleus) in a rescue tank and they are fab I have loved having them as pets and must admit have been learning on the go with them as I wasnt expecting them I didnt put in the reserch before. Now the female looks like a cross...
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    Sand In Your Tropical Fish Aquarium

    thank you for this btw it helped me decide to go for it and my fish love it they are quite playfull ing the sand even the shy ones. clear and well written TY
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    Api Kit

    i get mine from zooplus they go one offer every few months.
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    Soooo What You Think?

    As more than half water was being replaced I didnt want to take risk...... I love them. My plecs love it they are out more 'playing' in the sand and the shrk gathers sand into his mouth and spits it at other fish lol.
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    Soooo What You Think?

    well almost finished it was so much work and I was quite concerned bout my fishes the were a little stressed. I am never catching a 7" plec again i will put up pics soon lol
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    Silly Question

    lol I have a 320l /90 gallon tank but the fluval 405 doesnt cut it so was going to replace it with eheim pro3 2080 its double my curretn filters output.
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    Silly Question

    hi :blush: erm can you over filter a tank I am thinking of upgrading my filter but its a powerfull one so will this cause damage??
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    A Little Advice Would Be Nice......

    i learned this the hard way but have found if i put a couple of bigger stones at base of new plants he cant up root them so easily. I also use chopsticks to push algae wafers under the gravel in open area's these satisfy his dig and look nature.
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    Soooo What You Think?

    Right o I have this tank. I have decided to update the interior so I have formed this plan Remove fishes/ plants to big tub in current tank water and run fluval 405 in tub till move fish back add heater. Remove gravel from tank...
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    had 4 deliveries and no problem prces are good
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    Help Me Please

    okay looked round site and saw similar problem with same breed and have taken advice there I have done a 10% change and moved him to the alternte tank as its stats are spot on I risk him eating the fry in there but hey its a choice.......... everything else seems fine and my next concern is can...
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    Help Me Please

    My lovely silver shark Fido ( has a dogs personality) well he keeps turning onto back I am so worried as he is my baby and i dont know what has suddenly caused it. the NO3 was high so I have remedied it but he is still out of sorts he will swim about and then like he hs no energy he flips...
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    Advice Needed : What Is The Best Way To Transport A Fairly Large Plec

    mine dont seem to mind you can see shadows through it and as i put them in foot well of passenger side its not too bright there.. I hope the move goes well. I love plecs in all shapes lol
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    Advice Needed : What Is The Best Way To Transport A Fairly Large Plec

    i use fermentation buckets to move my bigger fish they have lids cost £5 and are sturdy but thin plastics. then add new tank water to bucket instead of otherway
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    Oh My God

    Next time keep in mind waterworld its nr chester and they have helped me in a bind they delivered mine same day and let me order and pay over phone...... broke tank with hoover and couldnt mix my cold and warm fishes.
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    I have two common Plecs and I bought a bigger tank instead of getting rid they are so fun to watch and have lovely personalities..... but as they get bigger and older boy do they poo so you might want to think are you willing to spend hours a week playing with fish poo? I give my fish a day...
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    Water Gh Ph Kh And Such!

    :drool: Hello I have had fish for many years and have learned all I know by mistakes. The thing is since I have moved house my water gh has nearly doubled. Now I know dip test strips are frowned upon but its what I got so my results are No3 ( mg/l) 25 ( not noramlly this high btw) No2 (...
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    Classroom Tank...dwarf Gouramis

    try a loach ( kuhli are fun) they are wormy snakes and hard to find they keep my kids entertained for hours. I have also found scissor tails to be very peacefull and good tank members they have a glowing neon line down them when they are in dim lights and are part clear so a good talking point...
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    Clown On "that Other Site"

    this has made me choke laughing btw oh and I have a 90 gallon ( american ) and 2 yellow labs 2 pleco 1 clown loach and 4 gourami's and andy more of theat size would be too many !!!!!!!!!!! mine are all over 3" though...... Also would like to remind you all im new and hope i am not commiting...
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    Clown On "that Other Site"

    -_- and I thought my tank was a wierd mix...... I'd like to say in my defence some of my fish have identity issues they think they are a different speicies than they are lol
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    Hello All

    HI Ace LOL i ment lifting the plants out ( giving them a clean and poping back in) I use a gravel cleaner but i have couple of plecs that poop for England Shrimps do a great job in other tanks but my barbs eat them everytime I put them in.
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    Hello All

    HI I thought as I have accidently ended up in a house where the fish out number the people 20:1 I had best find somewhere to seek advice and possibly find people who know the ' oh she's talking about fish again look ' It started with some gold fish and a dojo loach and has spiraled to a 4 tank...