Clown On "that Other Site"

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More from the idiot.. Just keeps digging.

Heres a client, Benton & Company, Professional Accountant Tax firm, 110 gallon High, Freshwater, pictures are in my gallery, Irradescent Shark about 8", Silver Dollars, Large Parrot Fish, clown loaches, angelicus catfish, pleco.........added 5 yellow 3 months ago, now there are 65 yellow labs! Are you going to tell me this tank is not COMPATIBLE and not THRIVING?
The fact is the Labidochromis is much too docile for most Malawian aquariums and gets overwhelmed. Check your FACTS!

Take a good HARD look at my gallery and my business, then ask me who should be crying! You are a FOOL to go around insulting people you don't even know!
Talk to me when you have invented a cleaning system that you can vacuum mud into it and the water returns crystal clear and flushes clean without complete tare down! (besides that it purifies the water!)

Tinfoil barbs bring Africans out of hiding and bring the tank alive! Africans key in on these fish, same as Hoplo cats, as a way to determine if they should fear something or not! Theres NO competition for the most part except at feeding time, but cichlids handle their own.

I've already proven that its a clean environment that is most important, not peoples hangups on chemistry and substrate and such! Harkins residence in Franklin Lakes, NJ.....wealthy community, has NO calcium substrate, yellow labs are on their 8th generation breeding! Tinfoils in this tank are huge, about 10" and have NO ill effect or no incompatibility issues with the cichlids! In fact, its the exact opposite, the dither activity keeps the fish active and in harmony...........

but then you need much more of an education than what I'm telling you here!

How many fish books do you own? Magazines are a great reference too, I've been reading these before you were even born! Before you go around insulting people, why don't you educate yourself some and then you can then have a VALID argument with someone!

You missed the fish documentary of the Amazon with Discus, neons, Oscars, Angels, various catfish various dwarf cichlids, tetras, cyprinids and many other fish ALL SWIMMING together in the same waters! OOOOOOh, no one told the fish, they can't be together!

Dont Irradescent sharks get around 4ft!?

I think closer to 3ft i could be mistaken. We are also talking about a "500 gallon" tank which someone was asking for stocking advice. That was the list the "expert" suggested.

^ Now heres one in a 110 gallon ^
Not too sure why you are bothering with this prat. There isn't anywhere that you have put him down or are in anyway rude to him, yet he talks to you like you are the one out of order. If he really does intend on keeping that list together then I really feel sorry for the poor fish. I would swerve the guy mate, you sound to have a whole lot more sense and know your fish better than him, and thats got nothing to do with age.
You missed the fish documentary of the Amazon with Discus, neons, Oscars, Angels, various catfish various dwarf cichlids, tetras, cyprinids and many other fish ALL SWIMMING together in the same waters! OOOOOOh, no one told the fish, they can't be together!


Lions live on the same savannas as zebras and gazelle. They must be fast friends, eh?

I've known somebody pretty experienced who had some weird mixes. In theory, so he says, most any mix is possible, but it takes an immense tank with a big "dead zone" that fish don't like to cross, and even then, you'll get tetras straying into the cichlid area and getting eaten, or a cichlid crossing into the community and wiping it out. It's more a "Look what I can do" than a good idea, as ultimately two tanks could accomplish the same thing in smaller space with no risk of strays.
yellow labs (labridochromis caeruleas) are peacful africans - yes peacful for the african cichlid, but still very aggressive!
Trying to claim the natural environment is a reason you can do something in a tank is fairly daft. You can stuff a zebra and a lion in a six foot cell, and if you keep the lion stuffed full of raw meat every day it might not kill the zebra but that doesn't mean the zebra's happy about it, or that the lion won't kill it the second you miss a feeding. We may dress out tanks up to look like nature, but that doesn't make them a natural enviornment.
Maybe i missed something. You all must be huge fans of lions!? Lol I understand your points. He doesnt.

Moderator am i allowed to list his personal website? Its not the other forum..
I dont want to keep doing this to you guys but it just keeps getting better!

My Response:

Im no fool and that was no insult dont take it as a cheap shot at you and quit your bitching. It amazes me that you have a thriving company with your constant nagging and crying. Was so important for you to send me 2 messages responding to mine. By me telling you thats a terrible stock is not at all insulting to you. You have an irridescent shark in a 110 gallon tank!? Good business practice because your clients going to be ####ed when that thing grow out its 110 gallon tank. Rethink your stock list buddy and quit complaining.

His Reply:

You can post every comment I make to you anywhere you like! I talk substance, and you talk hostility! Constructive criticism offers alternative answers and you've offered nothing.

It never dawned on you that my clients pick out a lot their own fish and want certain types and colors?

I actually enjoy the challenge of someone who thinks they know so much that they can go around knocking others suggestions. Where is your suggestions? I didn't see your suggestions listed? I trained many young people and after their training, they turned around and used it against me like you're doing right now. Educate yourself first, then we can have a nice challenging argument!

His website is He does have some very nice looking fish tanks in there although most of them appear to be smaller than 30 gallons. Reguardless of his work this guys a prick!

I talk substance, and you talk hostility!

By far my favorite!
-_- and I thought my tank was a wierd mix......

I'd like to say in my defence some of my fish have identity issues they think they are a different speicies than they are lol
My mum's beed cooking for me for 26 years and many years before I was even born, it still sucks (it's gotten worse if anything!)

I've also been playing the piano for 15 years ... I still suck!

Experience isn't worth a jot, if you don't learn from it.


this has made me choke laughing btw

oh and I have a 90 gallon ( american ) and 2 yellow labs 2 pleco 1 clown loach and 4 gourami's and andy more of theat size would be too many !!!!!!!!!!! mine are all over 3" though......

Also would like to remind you all im new and hope i am not commiting any no no's if so spank me and send me to my mama

I have a silver shark who thinks he is a scissor tail

A clown loach who NEVER goes near the bottom and spends day with golden danio's on top and a platty who lives with the frogs

these arent all in one tank btw

oh and Golden barbs who are under the impression they are dustbins or oscars if they fits in their mouths they eat it.
I've got fish with identity crises, too. My checkered barbs think they're peppered corys, I have a killifish that tries to swim with danios, and a male platy that tries to mate with everything except female platys. After getting bitten a few times, he's settled on the filter intake for the most part. I also have two female angelfish who occasionally lay eggs together, guard them tooth and nail, and then eat them after a couple days.
I don't care how great someone is, if they act like that I wouldn't hire them to clean my toilet.
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