Advice Needed : What Is The Best Way To Transport A Fairly Large Plec

Tom Joyce

New Member
Aug 27, 2008
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I've managed to find a new home for my Plec, however I've now got the issue opf transporting it to the new owner.....

The plec is about 10 - 11" and due to the spines, i'm very dubius of putting it into large fish bags as I've got a bit of a journey.....

I've thought about using a lided bucket, however I would imagine that this may pose a problem at the other end in transferring the fish across.....

Any help / tips / advice ?


Glad you managed to find a home, you shouldnt have too much trouble acclimatizing the other end, as tank water can slowly be added to the bucket (or if time is a premium, the new owners bucket) and then netted directly to his new home.
i use fermentation buckets to move my bigger fish they have lids cost £5 and are sturdy but thin plastics. then add new tank water to bucket instead of otherway
i use fermentation buckets to move my bigger fish they have lids cost £5 and are sturdy but thin plastics. then add new tank water to bucket instead of otherway
Excellent..... The white plastic won't cause an issue will it (being bright and all that) ?
when i got my plec around 16inches put him in a bucket with lid, drove round 3omiles....added water from my tank to bucket left it 10mins then picked him up and striaght in to the tank,,,careful the plec doesnt get caught up in the net,,,,,
Ask your lfs for a polystyrene box, most stores should have them. We used one to move a 12" Pleco and even though it was a 3 hour journey, she was fine. Fill the box about halfway with water and leave plenty of air.
mine dont seem to mind you can see shadows through it and as i put them in foot well of passenger side its not too bright there..

I hope the move goes well.

I love plecs in all shapes lol
Thanks for all of the advice...... Really appreciate it !!

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