Search results

  1. Mia S

    Moving House Long Distance

    I'm going from Vic to Qld. I have to move with 4 cats as well, and by myself, as my hubby is overseas atm. The expression 'bitten off more than I can chew' comes to mind lol. Thanks everyone for their advice, I will think it over...
  2. Mia S

    Moving House Long Distance

    Hi all, Im about to move house interstate, about 2300kms. I've given most of my fish away already, but there is a few I don't want to part with (some coolie loaches, bristlenoses, betta). Just wondering if its safe to move them such a long distance? When you consider that a lot of fish sold...
  3. Mia S

    Can You Get A Muzzle For A Cat?

    I've tried that, for the cat's safety they have to have some stretch, so if the collar gets stuck on a branch, the cat can slip out of it. Unfortunately my cat has figured that out & just takes them of.
  4. Mia S

    Can You Get A Muzzle For A Cat?

    Hi, I've got 4 cats and live on 10 acres in the country. I let them out into the garden every day, they chew some grass, run around, climb trees etc, but when I tell them to go inside they look like they've had army training, single file & in they go. My only naughty cat today brought in a...
  5. Mia S

    Acrylic Or Glass Tank?

    I have a 4ft salt water fishtank all smashed to bits on my front lawn (transport accident- my house is on a slope, my hubby in Dubai, and the trolley wheel hit a bump) so my next one will be acrylic for sure. Here's a link I found ages ago, outlining the benefits of acrylic vs glass...
  6. Mia S

    Apple Snails Having Babies!

    I woke up this morning to find a cluster of eggs just above the water line in my tank, and my two apple snails guarding it. Should the eggs be moved somewhere so the fish don't eat them? And should the parents be moved with the eggs?
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  8. Mia S

    My Beautiful Leopard Gecko, Paytynn

    Gorgeous but also very pink lol
  9. Mia S

    Help With Overweight Chocolate Labrador!

    I don't have dogs, but I did have to put my cats on a diet once after their weight DOUBLED (two months in a crap kennel). What I did is put them on the best quality biscuits I could afford, they got a small portion for dinner - I just followed the portions recommended on the packet. For...
  10. Mia S

    Your House Pics

    The windmill in the background actually runs a bore water pump, which supplies water for the horses & garden. The house runs off rainwater tanks. The front of the house faces the oceans and the cow paddock (only have two hairy horned lawn mowers, they don't give milk or anything :( )
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  12. Mia S

    Your House Pics

    I live in Australia, down the bottom on the coast of Victoria, close to the Great Ocean Road with all the amazing rock formations, like the 'London Bridge' and '12 Apostles', but also not that far from an aluminium smelter and the port where we send live sheep exports to the Middle East.
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  15. Mia S

    Sea Shells In My Tank?

    Thanks guys, I found the cuttle fish on the beach in front of my house, there are always hundreds of them on the sand. I think the ocean currents bring them over from their breeding grounds in South Australia. I've had the shells soaking in water overnight & all these little bugs have come...
  16. Mia S

    Sea Shells In My Tank?

    Hi, I was wondering how safe it is to put sea shells collected from the beach into a fresh water tank? I have a few in there already but they were purchases from a LFS. I also have a cuttle fish I'd like to put in for the calcium, my apple snails shells aren't looking all that fabulous, & I'd...
  17. Mia S

    Poppy Had Her Kittens Last Night

    Congrats on the babies, they will only get cuter as time goes by :) Below is a link to baby names for girls & boys derived from plants & flowers. Basil is there, so is Ashton, but Shashipushpa has to be a favourite lol, it means 'Lotus' in Indian...
  18. Mia S

    Arterial Thromboembolism

    Well, miracles do happen! Took my kitty home on Monday, did a whole lot of reiki, physio, massage & praying, in between doses of meds & she's doing really well :). Whatever blockage she had in her arteries seems to have gone, she still has a bit of a limp but at least she won't loose her leg...
  19. Mia S

    Pop Eye?

    Thanks for that :), normally I would have checked old post first, but Im so stressed about my cat I just needed for someone to do the thinking for me. I'll try the suggested meds and see what happens.
  20. Mia S

    Arterial Thromboembolism

    Hi all, Just wondering if anyone has had a cat with a blood clot? My little girl, Sooty, was fine one minute, and paralised in the back legs the next. We took her to the vet on Saturday night, because of the sudden nature of the event & lack of detectable pulse in one of her rear legs, we were...
  21. Mia S

    Pop Eye?

    Hi all, My betta has developed a hugely inflated eye overnight, its cloudy and white-ish in appearance. The tank has been running for a year with no problems at all. It's a 5', 24c, rainwater, I dont add any chemicals, its fully planted, Ive only put in Melafix recently to help a black moore...
  22. Mia S

    Cats Fighting?

    If this is only a temporary situation, and Tinker will be going home eventually, it's probably better for you and both cats to keep them seperate. Cats are fairly territorial, it distresses them to have a strange cat introduced into their environment, but also matriachal, so each female will try...
  23. Mia S

    Sick Black Moore, Need Urgent Help

    OK, thank you, I'll give it a few days before deciding. The tank water is crystal clear right now, it probably wasnt while I was away and thats when the problem occured. The last time I had a sick fish was in 2002, Ive forgotten what to do when things go wrong! Do you treating the tank with...
  24. Mia S


    Yeah right, thanx 4 that, never even thought of it lol. Luckily I do have some big shells in the tank, I only put them in as hiding places for the fish.
  25. Mia S

    Sick Black Moore, Need Urgent Help

    Hi all, I have a tropical set up, with just the one black moore, a left over from my goldfish days. Ive been away for work for 6 weeks, (my man was looking after the babies), and when I came back she seems to have gone blind. Her right eye looks normal but she bumps into everythig on that...
  26. Mia S


    Hi all, Just being polite and saying 'hi' :). I live in Narrawong, country Victoria (Australia), so all my tanks run on rain water. Ive been using this forum for many years, without ever becoming a member, but I have a lot of time on my hands lately so decided now may be a good time lol...