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  1. licklebabba

    Fish And Air Freshners!

    Ok then, just the fella at our LSF, said that oil plug in fresheners were dangerous,obviously you not had problems then.Ta.
  2. licklebabba

    Fish And Air Freshners!

    Hiya all,hope you all well, have'nt posted for a while,but have a little question... I know that oil plug in air freshners are dangerous and can kill fish,but are scented candles ok to use in the room the tank is in??? Cheers in advance x
  3. licklebabba

    ? Slimey Skin Disease

    Hiya all, hope we are all well. One of our black mollies has now developed like a grey shiny like coat over its gills(not over all its body), could this be slime disease?? They are never well these mollies,they get over stuff but pick other things up bless em, our water stats are fine,we...
  4. licklebabba

    Black Mollies Oddly Shaped

    Aww poor molly :sad: thanks for your help wilder,we will have to put her separate, thanks again, will do that
  5. licklebabba

    Black Mollies Oddly Shaped

    Is that swim bladder? is it easily treatable wilder??
  6. licklebabba

    Black Mollies Oddly Shaped

    Hi Wilder, she doesnt seem bloated, i am guessing it it the molly that has given birth, but seeing as we have 2 females, we have no idea really, dont know if she has bred before, its the first time though since we have had them and thats only been for 3-4 weeks.She looks so sad bless her,thanks...
  7. licklebabba

    Black Mollies Oddly Shaped

    Hiya all, one of my black mollies ahs gone a funny shape, her tail end seems to have dropped and she doesnt look like she using it, looks like a boomerang!! any ideas??? thanks x :sad:
  8. licklebabba

    Black Molly Looks Poorly

    Thanks again for reply,we added antibact meds before and she seems a little perkier, so fingers crossed, thanks again x
  9. licklebabba

    Black Molly Looks Poorly

    Thanks for replying, no we cant isolate her, she still has a good swim for a bit and is eating, but then she goes back to the same place on the gravel, I dont know what to do :sad:
  10. licklebabba

    Black Molly Looks Poorly

    Hi wilder, sorry for delay!! water stats were all fine when other half did them,she does look listless, her colour is normal, no white spot now,she is still feeding,she does have s swim but then goes back to gravel
  11. licklebabba

    Black Molly Looks Poorly

    Hiya all, hope you are well. My 2 black mollies both had whitespot last week which now seems to have gone after upping the water temp and using meds. My othere half was watching the fish on saturday when he spotted a baby fishy!! when we looked again there were loads of little tiddler mollies...
  12. licklebabba

    White Flecks On Black Mollies

    Cheers for the help you lot, will try that tomorrow as off to bed now.Nite x
  13. licklebabba

    White Flecks On Black Mollies

    Hi scooterchick, listed other fish in previous post x
  14. licklebabba

    White Flecks On Black Mollies

    Hi wilder, cheers for that,but will turning up the temp affect the other fish??
  15. licklebabba

    White Flecks On Black Mollies

    Hello all,we have recently added 2 black mollies to our tank about 1 week ago.They have developed white flecks on their bodies.Our tank stats are good, temp 25 degrees,and we also have 2 plecs,6 zebra danios,4 fan tailed guppies and 8 neon tetras.We have read that if this is white spot we should...
  16. licklebabba

    Water Temps

    Cheers littlest, will do
  17. licklebabba

    Water Temps

    Hello all, hope you are all well, Our 2 black mollies have what looks like white spot(fuzzy cottonwool type things attached to them), we have read that in order for these pesky things to fall off before treatment you have to increase water temperture by a few degrees. our heater is set at 22c...
  18. licklebabba

    Feeding Question

    :good: Thanks for the replies peeps! Iwill give it a whirl! :D
  19. licklebabba

    Feeding Question

    Hiya All, Bit of a thicko question but here goes! I want to give my lil' plecs some tasty treats like cucumber, veggies etc. Do i have to treat the veggies ie blanch them,dip em in de chlorinator etc before i feed em to me kids :S Cheers all
  20. licklebabba

    Bloated Zebra Danio

    :sad: cheers for that link angel queen,but the lil fishy died yesterday,it looked like it had an ulcer on its bum when we got it out of the tank.thanks anyway,good luck with your fish.
  21. licklebabba

    Bloated Zebra Danio

    Cheers for that,we feed them flake food in the morning and then a frozen worm cube thing at night.we also give them brine shrimp a couple of times a week.
  22. licklebabba

    Bloated Zebra Danio

    :( Hello all, one of my zebra danios does not look a well little fishy! It seems to have lost a lot of its colour,and its tummy is very bloated,it cant swim very well and when it starts swimming it just sinks!It keps sitting on the gravel or on a rock.Water stats are good and all the other fish...
  23. licklebabba

    Guppies Tails Losing Colour

    Hello, our tank is 60cmx30x30. water stats are pH 7-7.5,no nitrates/nitrites,we have danios,tetras and 2 small plecs in the tank so its fully stocked. we do a 25% water change each week.thanks
  24. licklebabba

    Guppies Tails Losing Colour

    Hello all, our golden fantailed guppies appear to be losing their colour slightly in their tails,they seem to be very happy and healthy in the tank, any suggestions? thanks :huh:
  25. licklebabba

    Para Pleco

    Hiya, our 2 para plecos do like to have a good ole scrap every now n then :( fortunately they dont appear to do much damage to each other, one is bigger than the other,but have'nt a clue if they are different sexes!! :S
  26. licklebabba

    Covers For Filters

    Hi all, probably a thicko question! but am new to this tropical fish lark,can you buy covers for internal filters? as the liltle neon tetras keep getting sucked to the filters side every now n again :sad:
  27. licklebabba

    I Nearly Murdered My Fish!

    Cheers for that helterskelter, i will give it a whirl. thanks, Rachel.
  28. licklebabba

    I Nearly Murdered My Fish!

    HELP!! One of my fantail guppies looks like it has finrot,so I added some finrot cure stuff and did it how the instructions said(cant remeber the amount now but was v small) anyway,all the other fishes started swimming v bizarrely and looked very dead. Me and me other half did a very swift water...
  29. licklebabba

    Is My Zedra Danio Pregnant Or Bloated?

    help! we have recently got a new tank, cycled it and added 6 zebra danios.the nitrite levels have been high,but are now near the <o.o3 scale,the pH is 7.5. one of the fish has ? been eaten,as it has disappeared (not on floor,or lurking in the tank anywhere) and one of them has a very swollen...