Para Pleco


New Member
Sep 30, 2007
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Well I haven't read as much as I'd like on these fish (para pleco's) but i've read EVERYTHING i can find.

My question is, if i get my LFS to order one for me, or get one off the internet, do you think the para would be happier with another para, or with some other smaller plec?

I ask this b/c I came across the sultan plec last night, by chance, and it said he actually prefers NOT to live with other sultans b/c he's territorial... but he's fine with differently colored plecs.

So whats probably a safer bet? As long as I get one para i'm happy- its not like im going to have the PURE LUCK to get a perfect breeding pair just by ordering them at random- and from what I understand they're impossible to sex anyways.

Any input?

55 gallon for now, will upgrade when they get bigger and i have room to do so. (3 years?)

I'm just concerned about whether a para will get along better with another para, or something entirely different. I don't want to have to split them up when they get big.

you are best of getting a plec to suit your currant tank size as you will probly not know a date you getting your new tank as things change everyday that you might not be able to upgrade so the safest option is to get a plec for your currant tank

cheers dane
Hiya, our 2 para plecos do like to have a good ole scrap every now n then :( fortunately they dont appear to do much damage to each other, one is bigger than the other,but have'nt a clue if they are different sexes!! :S

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