Black Molly Looks Poorly


New Member
Sep 2, 2007
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Hiya all, hope you are well. My 2 black mollies both had whitespot last week which now seems to have gone after upping the water temp and using meds. My othere half was watching the fish on saturday when he spotted a baby fishy!!
when we looked again there were loads of little tiddler mollies swimming about!! Last count today is 19!!!!!!!!!!!!
My question is though..;. the molly that we think gave birth has taken to sitting on the gravel quite a bit, could she just be knackered after such a large lot of offspring???? Cheers in advance x
Sitting on the bottom of the tank can be a bacterial infections.
Can you post your water stats.
Does she look pale or darker in colour, is she being listless and lethagic, is the molly still eating her food.
Sitting on the bottom of the tank can be a bacterial infections.
Can you post your water stats.
Does she look pale or darker in colour, is she being listless and lethagic, is the molly still eating her food.

Hi wilder, sorry for delay!!
water stats were all fine when other half did them,she does look listless, her colour is normal, no white spot now,she is still feeding,she does have s swim but then goes back to gravel
Sitting on the bottom of the tank can be a bacterial infections.
Can you post your water stats.
Does she look pale or darker in colour, is she being listless and lethagic, is the molly still eating her food.

Hi wilder, sorry for delay!!
water stats were all fine when other half did them,she does look listless, her colour is normal, no white spot now,she is still feeding,she does have s swim but then goes back to gravel

hi licklebabba

well with giveing birth and haveing to deal with white spot and the meds aswell is alot for any one to deal with and know one knows how old a fish is when they buy them espetially with a livebearing fish after so mutch stress be prepaired for secondery infection wilder will advise u well :good:
If she resting alot on the bottom of a tank it can be bacterial.
Can you issolate her for treatment.
Thanks for replying, no we cant isolate her, she still has a good swim for a bit and is eating, but then she goes back to the same place on the gravel, I dont know what to do :sad:
Its not normal behavour resting on the bottom I lost fish to it.
I would add a bacterial med to your tank and increase aeration in the tank with using the med.
Thanks again for reply,we added antibact meds before and she seems a little perkier, so fingers crossed, thanks again x

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