Feeding Question


New Member
Sep 2, 2007
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Hiya All, Bit of a thicko question but here goes! I want to give my lil' plecs some tasty treats like cucumber, veggies etc. Do i have to treat the veggies ie blanch them,dip em in de chlorinator etc before i feed em to me kids :S Cheers all
Peel them first and then try the fish with blanched and raw vegetables. They should eat both but might have a preference for one or the other.
Most require no treatment. I would leave the skin on cucumber, as this is when most of the nutrients are, and thus the best part for you fish to eat. Simply add weights and feed. Peas need cooking and de-shelling prior to feeding.

All the best
i just cut a small "chunk" (a slither realy) and leave it in the tank for 12 hours whilst i sleep. try courgette, cucumber, spinich, lettuce.
but you may need to weigh it down some how
The only reason I peel the fruits is because you can't guarantee they are free of pesticide or other chemicals. Many "fresh foods” aren't all that fresh. They get treated so they last longer and are available to the general public for a longer period.
Apples for example spend over 6 months in a cool room before they are put on the shelf. And they get dipped in a preservative to stop them drying out and becoming unpleasant.
If you grow your own or can guarantee they are free of chemicals then by all means leave the skin on because it is good for them and it helps hold the food together.

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