I Nearly Murdered My Fish!


New Member
Sep 2, 2007
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HELP!! One of my fantail guppies looks like it has finrot,so I added some finrot cure stuff and did it how the instructions said(cant remeber the amount now but was v small) anyway,all the other fishes started swimming v bizarrely and looked very dead. Me and me other half did a very swift water change(50%) and the fish have perked up very well(albeit a bit subdued for now).Do you lot think they will be ok,they seem to be,but it was a very close call. I was nearly in tears at the thought of murdering me little fishes!! Any suggetsions welcome,thanks.
Well you did the right thing by doing a water change, you must of miss calculated something as all treatments are slightly light on the dosing levels do over dosing is difficualt.

Treatment is the right stuff though but what I'll do is a simple salt dip, a 30g of salt to 1 liter of water and mix, add the guppy for 30-45 seconds he'll be very distressed floating on the surface, but the salt dip is a old treatment but works wanders.
Well you did the right thing by doing a water change, you must of miss calculated something as all treatments are slightly light on the dosing levels do over dosing is difficualt.

Treatment is the right stuff though but what I'll do is a simple salt dip, a 30g of salt to 1 liter of water and mix, add the guppy for 30-45 seconds he'll be very distressed floating on the surface, but the salt dip is a old treatment but works wanders.

Cheers for that helterskelter, i will give it a whirl. thanks, Rachel.

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