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    when the fish turn evil

    a very peculiar thing has just happened in my 75 gallon sw tank. as my yellow tang, red lip blenny, percula clown, tomato clown,six lined wrasse, firefish goby and royal gramma basslet have been living very peacefully in my saltwater community for about a year now, the tomato clown and the...
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    How many GPH...

    I have just recieved a berlin turbo classic for free from a friend but without a pump and i plan to make a direct connection with to the aquarium because i do not have a sump. i am trying to figure out what size pump (gallons per hour GPH) should be used. if annybody has one of theese with a...
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    Corner Tanks Measurements??

    logicaly i think corner tanks are measured in length by width. a corner tank is a corner tank. the angle will always be 90 degrees (right angle). maybee on custom tanks the angle could be fitted to a certain corner thats different like 112 instead of 90 degrees.
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    What is the difference between.....

    a true perc will get black highlighting around the white stripesas they age a false perc just has white stripes.
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    Substrate depth

    nahhhhhhh thats a wifes tale. i start my substrate levels at 2-3 inches and let the fish do the digging and it eventually looks uneven and iv'e never had problems. just vaccum your sand every once in a while. :alien:
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    need help (algae problems)

    the problem areas are everywhere. and theres two powerheads (one occelates) a skimmer and a hot magnum filter running current through the tank i turn on the airators to fill the aquarium with bubbles so i can see exactly where the current goes. i have been succesfull in keeping aquariums...
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    need help (algae problems)

    i wish i could have a RO but i have nowhere to hook one up
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    need help (algae problems)

    for the past few months i have had a major algae invasion in my sw tank and i have been trying everything of my knowlege to kill it and get rid of it its taking over my live rock and killing my coraline algae and polyps. im sick of it!!!!!!!!!! i have never had algae problems like this since i...
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    Skimmer Help**

    ok it sounds that the pump is trying to pull the current through see if the intake of the pump is blocked or cloged if it has a sponge on the intake try taking it out and cleaning it. see if you can find an air intake valve and close it off and see if the pump catches. contact the owner and ask...
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    bio spira is exellent stuff because it is a marineland product, i have used it in my tanks and it works exeptionally well and all of my lfs agree and stock it. whoever says its garbage is full of it. always trust marineland products
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    My reef tank picture diary! beware PIC. INTENSIVE

    your tanks look great, but that sucks about the lr, i would of shot myself in the foot about that. my tank currently looks exactly like the first pictures on your post. i scrub the algae off the rock with a toothbrush and scrape it off the glass. but it grows back WHITHIN A DAY!!!!!!!!! im...
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    Perc changing colour

    hmmmmmmmmmmm not to sure about this phenomenon. never seen it happen to my percs. my guess is since its female it could be pregenant. i know some fish change behavior and color when impreginated. its color could just be developing if shes young. observe your tank and see if any other fish...
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    theres so much i want right now but # 1 would be a 1000 gallon marine tank embedded into the wall of my living room. and a 500 gallon reef tank embedded in the wall of my dining room with a separate pool pump and filter for each with top notch equip. and my own custom theam and artwork put into...
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    for all u salties

    your making a wise choice starting out on a inexpensive and simple aquarium system. it really sucks to start out not knowing what you are doing and buying a 100 dollar fish and finding it dead the next morning. that sw rig should work as a fw setup. as far as equipment goes. if a protein...
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    i believe the mud filter is whats giving you all the trouble. try siphoning it out but be carefull not to siphon too much. remove any dead material because thats probably your scource. are you running a protein skimmer? if so good if not, then there's your problem, buy one and it will solve...
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    My Severums Have Started Breeding!!!!

    i dont have too much expierience on breeding this type of fish but i do know that this particular species becomes very aggressive when they are guarding their fry. as long as the others stay away nobody gets hurt. i would not disturb them but watch them closely and make sure they do not eat...
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    what kinda equipment do i need

    there isn't much more equip. needed to keep sw fish than there is to keep fw fish. you need the basics such as the proper size aquarium, a filter(undergravel, sump, canister, or power), and a flourecent light equipped with a color enhancing bulb for marine tanks. if you plan to keep coral and/or...
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    Eheim hobby pump

    you may be having problems with whats called vapor locking this can be fixed by filling the lines the chiller and the pump with water before starting the pump, be shure there is no air trapped in the system. you can put a ball valve at the end of the line just before the scwd. start the pump...
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    Gary Larson Joke...

    thats a good one. i have 3 books full of the far side series cartoons by gary larson there are several others having to do with aquariums. maybee i should post some :rofl:
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    salt water tanks

    sup josh, my names josh too and i have a 75 gallon reef/fish saltwater aquarium this is adifficult question to answer whithout more info of your aquarium keeping history. if you are an experienced aquarist who is succesfully keeping a freshwater aquarium(which i assume you are ) then keeping a...
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    stupid bubbles

    I have a seaclone 150 protein skimmer running in my 75 gallon saltwater tank. and it works great but it releases billions of tiny bubbles in the tank which stick on every thing including the fish and its annoying, i want them to stay in the skimmer and out of the aquarium. i know that this is...
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    [SIZE=1]wazzzup everybody i stumbled upon this website looking for some info on saltwater aquaria and i thought it was cool so i singed up i have 5 aquariums one 150 gallon fw tank with four adult oscars and a green severum and a 75 gallon sw tank that i am currently and slowly rebuilding into a...