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  1. S

    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    Its likely to murder any other inhabitants of the tank also, on a whim. A flowerhorn in a 10g is going to end up in disaster.
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    Algea Growing On My Plants

    What are you current Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate readings? What lights do you have on the tank? What fish are currently in the tank? I would say the main culprit is the 14 hours a day of light, that, in my experience is too much. I tend to stick to around 7 - 10 hours of light.
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    New Vt Male Betta Owner

    Do you fully understand the nitrogen cycle? You really need a good grasp of it otherwise all this testing and water changing wont mean anything. (Although water changes are definitely required)
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    German Blue Ram Advice Please

    It is quite hard to tell from the photos but does "black spot" have any blue flecks in it? If it does then that indicates that it is a female, no blue in the spot indicates a male. I hate to say but it looks awfully stressed, the black stripes on its back (behind its spot) indicate it isnt...
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    Bolivian Rams

    Locking lips and shaking is the way that fish fight each other, it could be that they are sparing with each other as they mature to discover who is the dominant fish. Do you know if they are male or females? If they are both males then you might have to think about seperating them from each...
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    Another Fish Number Thread - 55 Litre Cube

    I know what he meant, i wanted to know if he actually meant what he was saying. In my experience, people who say "cycling the water" arent actually aware of the nitrogen cycle and have been given advice by a bad pet store i.e. being told to go home and cycle the water for 24 hours before putting...
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    Another Fish Number Thread - 55 Litre Cube

    When you say you are "cycling the water", what exactly do you mean?
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    Female Betta Not Eating

    Has anything changed in the tank? What are you water stats, ammonia/nitrite/nitrate how big is the tank?
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    Stocking Ideas For 1000l Tank Needed!

    Weird, looking at the link though it has the dimensions contained within it, 72*36*27 so its a 6 foot tank, that leaves you with some nice options. As before, community or specialist?
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    Stocking Ideas For 1000l Tank Needed!

    Do you want a community or a specialist setup i.e. large cichlids, what are the dimensions of the tank?
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    Exactly Where Have My Fish Gone?

    It will be suitable for a short temporary measure but as MBOU has said, you will ultimately (quite soon) need to upgrade to a MUCH larger tank.
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    So If Not Kribs, Then What?

    Cardinals prefer warmer temp to the CPD's, i would leave out the CPD's and up your cardinals to 10 or so. They look amazing in larger numbers. In regards to your other post regarding the kribs and cherry shrimp. I just (nervously) introduced a pair of GBR's into my 125l tank that has a decent...
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    7 Days And 5 Fish

    Please read the guides about cycling in the beginners resource centre if you want you fish to survive. It doesnt sound like you cycled your tank at all.
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    Large Community Fish

    Changing the whole tank to malawi cichlids? What is your water like in terms of ph and hardness?
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    Nitrates Don't Change

    Very strange indeed, is the tank heavily planted? Plants will consume some nitrate I know in one of my previous tanks which was fairly heavily planted the nitrates would never go above 20ppm but to have 0? Than would suggest something else is going on.
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    Blocked From Entering This Site?

    Looks like it is being flagged because itis being hosted on the same network as other sites that are carrying malware.
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    Blocked From Entering This Site?

    I have just got the same message with Firefox also. A bit strange, I did have a notification about Javascript having issues earlier when I was on here, perhaps it is relating to that. I guess potentially there could be a security flaw with the site and someone is exploiting the vulnerability via...
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    Was He Eaten ?

    Quick google tells me this tank is 18 litres, this really is too small for any kind of fish, let alone multiple goldfish :(
  19. S

    Was He Eaten ?

    Oh dear, really sorry to have to say this but that tank isnt suitable at all :( Please read the guides in the beginners resource center on this forum, especially the items regarding cycling your tank. How long has your tank been up and running, what are your water parameters...
  20. S

    Good Quality Or Good Warrenty?

    Both, but my preffered one is the Wimborne branch. I currently have a pair of GBR's waiting there for me to pick up on Sunday Oh and this weekend is their 10th anniversary of that store opening so there are gonig to be cakes and other events like competitions etc if you are looking for...
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    Good Quality Or Good Warrenty?

    Personally, i dont think fish or any animal should have a "warranty" per say. Granted there is the odd occasion where you buy a sick fish from a shop and it dies because of that, i think thats just the nature of our hobby, but, if you are buying a healthy fish and you are able to provide a...
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    Cycling 12 Gallon Tank For Discus

    Sorry but 12 gallon is nowhere near big enough to house Discus. Someone else with more knowledge about them will have to confirm but as I understand it 75g+ is what i believe is recommended.
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    Filtration - How Important?

    Cool, glad you picked one up, they seem to be great filters. I am running the EFX300 on a 125l aquarium, my cardinals love the flow and so do my corys! Sounds like a good plan to spread out the old filter media amoungst the 3 baskets its what i did with mine, aslong as water is flowing through...
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    Stocking My Tank. Agassiz' Dwarf Cichlid, Betta, And Bottom Feeder

    Personally i think you need to get the idea of a Betta + another type of fish off the board unless you plan on getting a larger aquarium. 23l before displacement from substrate, plants and ornaments makes it a rather small body of water. I would say, if you are set on a betta, get a one and...
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    Filtration - How Important?

    I picked up an Aquamanta EFX300 last week and i am very very impressed with it. Would highly recommend them!
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    What Can I Have?

    Is that 34litres? If so i would say you already have too many fish in there, especially with the betta, having something else with long fins, i.e. a guppy would probably be a bad idea.
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    Is My Tank Overstocked

    What you are saying makes no sense, how long has the tank been running with the fish in it currently? You need to change big amounts daily to reduce the ammonia and nitrite content from the water until the cycle has completed and the bacteria in the filter has developed to a sufficient level...
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    Fishless Cycling

    It can take anywhere upto a couple of weeks before your ammonia levels reduce and you start to see nitrite, longer sometimes. The whole process of cycling can take upto 6 weeks. You say its going to be a cold water aquarium, what fish were you planning on putting in there?
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    New Tank Stocking Ideas

    What is your water like in your area PH, soft, hard? Are you wanting to use RO water or stick with your normal tap water. I know i would rather stick with tap water in a tank of that size, lol. Unless you have your own RO unit weekly water changes could get expensive!
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    Diamond Head Neons Not Doing So Well

    Seriously, in this thread http://www.fishforum...20#entry3453466 you posted: and then you go against that and ignore advice anyway?
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    My New Tank

    Beautiful Plec!
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    My New Tank

    Silver Sharks as in Bala Sharks? Im afraid they get far too big for your tank.
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    Suggestions For My 180 Gallon ?

    What are the dimensions of your tank currently, tin foils and bala shark can grow massive.
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    New Fish!

    Wont the two male german blue rams fight with each other?
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    Aggressive Male Swordtail!

    Tank is overstocked, shark needs a MUCH bigger tank
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    Black Soft Sand?

    Maidenhead aquatics stock unipac (i think) black sand, i have it in my tank and my corys love it. its not cheap though 20 quid for 10kg.
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    New Member 2 Tanks Water Test Results

    Cycling can take 4-6 weeks of feedingthe bacteria in your filter pure ammonia. Please, i cant stress this enough, visit if you want your fish to survive. This isnt an exaggeration.
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    New Member 2 Tanks Water Test Results

    please please please read the information in the beginners resource center about cycling your tanks. The 14l really isnt suitable for any fish most people would recommend shrimp/snails for a tank that small. It is imperitve you read up on the cycling process and the nitrogen cycle otherwise you...
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    Alternative To Rams.

    What corys and tetras do you currently have?
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    Info Wanted On A Couple Of Fish

    So have you decided on some more appropriate fish? I am planning on setting up a new 125l tank within the next couple of months, its going to have a shoal of corys, a shoal of cardinal teras and a breeding pair of german blue rams and a few cherry shrimp. It is definitely better to go with a few...