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    guppy in labor?

    :whistle: I have been waiting to see my guppy have her fry...I have been reading all i can on when it is close. Plz help me get my facts right. The first signs I seen was pushing or straining, and she would wiggle her body as if to get more comfortable in a tight pair of jeans. She would hide in...
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    guppy in labor urgent

    My guppy has been in labor for aday + and her gravid spot is almost gone, but no babies yet. i read that the babies will face toward the head of the guppy at night. do they do that before delievery? do they come out head or tail first? plz reply quick
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    angel big belly

    neither of us can get pic' there any traits that go with having eggs in her belly? or I have read a few things on dropsy? is there anymore info u can share about either.
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    angel big belly

    My friend has an angel fish that has a big stomach, could she be full of eggs or a illness? she is in a panic plese let me know soon
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    First baby!

    I have read that it can take up to 48 hours
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    a friend in need

    ok.. :/ whats that? and how do u stop it?
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    a friend in need

    I have a friend that was asking me why his tank water looks milky looking. I did not know why, but I told him I would try and find out. If you know why it does and what can be done to stop this plz let me know thanks.
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    guppies and mollies

    ok i know now that i have to seperate my guppy fry in 4 weeks. what about molly fry is that the same? can they breed as young as a guppy can?
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    What should i call them?

    I think nirvana is good for a fancy guppy or what ever
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    is she or aint she

    she is not a bit mean, her husband which is a pest drives her crazy, he follows her every where... i got another question, i just had molly fry, their in a baby net now, if she does go into labor and my guppy is going to burst anyday with babies, can i put them in the baby net with my 2 day old...
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    is she or aint she

    I have had her for bout 3 weeks, but I can't remember how big she was when i first got her... I bought a fish that brought fin rot in to my tank, and killed some of my fish, so i was kinda preoccupied with that.i was looking at her close and the black meets right at the base of her anal fin...
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    is she or aint she

    only balck on her back and her belly, around where i would look to dee the black spot
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    molly gave birth...

    yes she gave birth 2 days after i got her
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    molly gave birth...

    My friend and I both have had mollies to give birth, she had a blcak molly and i had a white fancy fin molly...both of the new mothers died within 24 hours of giving birth. Does this happen alot, or something that i need not worrie about with my other mollies...
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    is she or aint she

    well Zenn now I have another problem,, this platy i am refering to is a tuxedo platy...All i see is black, no way of telling if there is one there or not...she is huge could she just be eating to much? When u told me that the platys will have that spot like the guppy, well all my platys have to...
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    is she or aint she

    So a platy will have the same black spot on her as do the guppy?
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    is she or aint she

    I know this is a guppy site, but i have learned so much from all yal...Any ways here is my question...I have a tuxedo platy, one male and one female, i also have other platys, red platy and reg. orange platyall r females. well does the platys square off as the guppy when there pregant, or is she...
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    mating platies

    :wub: I have 4 female platies. I have seen so many different colors is platies and in mollies... If I have a ogange platy, will it mate with one of a different color. I also have a black male mollie, and 2 white fancy tailed mollies (pair) will they mate with any molly?
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    can't get cured

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    can't get cured

    I have been reading alot on adding salt to my water. I am confused about somethings was hoping i could get a few suggestions. One person says that table salt is what she uses, says to use iodine cause it helps the fish. I also can't find out about the rest of my fish...I have...
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    can't get cured

    Thats what i did i removed the carbon...the filer is still running, i have been using this new med i bought called cure ick by AP aquarium products...have u ever heard of that and my fish are fine for days then my 2 white mollies has spots on the tail fins...little white that ick or...
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    can't get cured

    but it being treated now....I have med in the tank...the bottle said to take it out r u sure?
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    can't get cured

    I am using a whisper for a 30 gal tank... no filter in it now...the med said to take it out...what temp would that be in ferinheit?
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    can't get cured

    :rofl: My friend and I both have 30 gal tanks, and we love our fish. We got our fish at petsmart, and some of the fish were sick when we got them, we have all types of medicine for these have worked. Our fish have tail rot, cotton mouth and ick... We are so tired of our fish dying...