What should i call them?

My younger sibling named our fish after all the fish in the movie finding nemo it's like a little piece of disney right siting right next you. :D
:hyper: I found another swordtail fry, which I named Promise. After I realized that the mother had a surprise delivery, I silently promised any surviors that if they showed themselves, that they would be safe. :thumbs: Sure enough, my vision was attacted to the plants and I noticed this tiny orange speck hiding swimming through the leaves. After a bit of a hunt, I managed to capture the only fry which avoided being eaten! :fish:

:) I still have about 15 guppy fry that are unnamed, so feel free to offer suggestions!
Sometimes when nameing things I use other languages, like snow would be *Yuki* in japanese and that sound totally cute! You should try it!

Here are my fishes, their names and meanings just to show you :D

Large male guppy fry: Il Deng *First*
Dark male peppered cory: Yami *Darkness*
Light male peppered cory: Ranpu *Light*
Female peppered cory: Kouhi *Queen*
Male golden algae eater: Isamashii *Brave*
Feamle golden algae eater: Kiokure *Timid*

I still haven't named all my fish because I normally wait for them to show a bit more behaviour. Hope I helped!
If you need any ideas on names you could also do a search on yahoo for pet names. Thats what I did.
Funilly enough, 7 out of my 8 female platys ended up with male names!

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