molly gave birth...


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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My friend and I both have had mollies to give birth, she had a blcak molly and i had a white fancy fin molly...both of the new mothers died within 24 hours of giving birth. Does this happen alot, or something that i need not worrie about with my other mollies.


PS> she had 14 fry i have 11 left...3 died due to laying inbetween the net and the plastic rails of the breeder net and got squashed as the other fish tried to get them.
This does occur at times if the mother is stressed and does not have a place to hide. Specially if there is a male in the tank. I often have 2 breeding nets in the tank and when mom is finished having the fry i move her to her own breeder for a couple of days. This also happens rather often if the fish was pregnant when purchased and gives birth soon after. the stress in this situation is often far greater than the fish can handle and their last act is to try to give birth. HTH :)
It's definitely stress. :nod:

If the fish were dropped in the breeding trap, then you probably saved most of them (unless the mother was really stressed out and ate them). Did you see what happened? If the fry weren't eaten, the batch was small and she was therefore young. The stress was probably greater for her than it would have been for a more mature molly.

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