angel big belly


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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My friend has an angel fish that has a big stomach, could she be full of eggs or a illness? she is in a panic plese let me know soon
neither of us can get pic' there any traits that go with having eggs in her belly? or I have read a few things on dropsy? is there anymore info u can share about either.
when angels breed the female will get a little larger but will not look bloated like a livebearer does. If your fish is bloated then i would think that something else is the cause like a disease or some other condition. If the fish is bloated then if possible isolate the fish and observe. Bloating is often related to internal organ failure or other internal bacterial infection. You may have some luck treating with kanamycin or tetracycline but be prepared for the worst as this type of thing is rarely curable. HTH :)

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