can't get cured


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2004
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:rofl: My friend and I both have 30 gal tanks, and we love our fish. We got our fish at petsmart, and some of the fish were sick when we got them, we have all types of medicine for these have worked. Our fish have tail rot, cotton mouth and ick... We are so tired of our fish dying, my friend is ready to give up...Alot of money has been spent on these meds....please let us know what can be done...I have mollies and tetras in my tank...she has mollies tetras and angels in hers...please help...i ck is the worst of our problems
Get this product called "Beta Care White Spot Remedy" put in 25ml, then 24 hours later do a 20% water change, then add another 25ml wait 24hours and repeat untill it has gone. Turn your temp upto 28c..
What filter are you running?
I am using a whisper for a 30 gal tank... no filter in it now...the med said to take it out...what temp would that be in ferinheit?
Thats why your fish are soooo sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! put the filter back in!!! what is cleaning your water?
I turned my filter off for a week by accident and i got hole in the head!
Do it now dude!
but it being treated now....I have med in the tank...the bottle said to take it out r u sure?
Thats what i did i removed the carbon...the filer is still running, i have been using this new med i bought called cure ick by AP aquarium products...have u ever heard of that and my fish are fine for days then my 2 white mollies has spots on the tail fins...little white that ick or could it be signs of tail rot?
I have been reading alot on adding salt to my water. I am confused about somethings was hoping i could get a few suggestions.
One person says that table salt is what she uses, says to use iodine cause it helps the fish. I also can't find out about the rest of my fish...I have mollies, plattys, guppies, tetras, pleco and 2 small elbino cat fish..If I added salt which one do i use iodine, non-iodine, and will all the fish be ok?
Can you use a carbon filter if it's older than a week?
Thats what i did i removed the carbon...the filer is still running

Did you just take out the white cartridge? I have the same filter (whisper) but I don't know how to "take out the carbon"???

I am practically in tears here. I thought everything was going so well but tonight I discovered white spots on the fish in my 10 gallon. All of them have it but the tetras.

I'm trying to read how to fix this but there is so much conflicting information and my head is swimming. :(

If someone could PM me or post here, I'd very much appreciate it. I really don't want these fish to die.
First of all, take the sick fish out and put them in another tank if you can. Second, I don't like putting salt in the aquarium itself--just do what's called a salt bath, where you get a container, fill it with tank water, then put a little salt in there (not sure what the exact concentration is). My LFS sells salt for this purpose, but I'm not entirely certain that it's anything other than non-iodized salt... They claim there's something different. Anyways, iodine is bad for your fish.

Kirianna, the carbon is the little pouch of black gravelly looking stuff in your filter... What kind of fish, how big is the tank, when did you buy them, etc etc...
Try cutting back on the medicine first of all you dont need any medicine to kill ich all you have to do is raise the temp. to 85 degrees and do a gravel vac and water change 20 percent daily for 14 days and this will kill the ich without the medicine stressing the fish out.. Then see if your fish other problems look a little better due to the water changing. Most of the time people finds out keeping good clean water will solve most all of thier problems to start with.

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