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  1. R

    males keeps chasing female pregnant platy

    you might have too many males in there......
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    Guppy and filter

    I have a penguin mini bio-wheel for a 20 gallon which i havea 20, and i was wondering, will the current and intake, be to strong for the guppies??? :dunno:
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    You too!!!! :D :D B) :thumbs:
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    what size is your gravel, and what type of plants or ornaments do you have, and what kind of filterdo you have??
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    Hi everyone, i'm not really new but i never really posted an intro, so HELLO EVERYONE!!!!!!!! :) B) :lol: ;) :D :P p.s this site is the best fish forum around!!!!! :hyper: :D :)
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    Breeding Mollies

    you're not overstocked at all!!!!! :thumbs: :D as for those mollies, you should always have about 2 or 3 females to 1 male all mollies are the same species, for example, dogs are all the same species but there are different types ie. dalmation, boxer, lab.....and so on, what i'm trying to get...
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    I think about a ratio of 2 or 3 females to one male should do well. I'm with you, I'm actually getting some guppies tomorrow too. :D :thumbs:
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    guppy fights

    maybe something about dominence??? i don't know :thumbs:
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    Babie guppoes

    how big of a tank do you have them in??
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    Is my platy okay?

    are there any female platy's with hin in there or are all three male?? :thumbs:
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    My guppy won't fan his tail. Is he OK?

    this is kinda off topic, but does your guppy have any Endler's Livebearer in him, his color on his sides look alot like an endler :thumbs:
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    guppy fights

    were they biting eah other, or just chasing each other around?? :thumbs:
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    what size tank do you have??
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    guppy fights

    if they were both males it was probably just a fight over females :thumbs:
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    you probably will have some fights because the are all males, i suggest you get one more male and 6 females to split between them, but if that is to much for your tank, you can get three females for your current male :thumbs:
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    My guppy won't fan his tail. Is he OK?

    try adding an air stone, if you don't already have one in there. :thumbs:
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    Platty Fry

    so do mine, i still have platy fry that could fit down almost every fishes mouth but not one of them is chased, bothered, or eaten by any of my fish. :thumbs:
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    I got a new plattie!

    either she just had a batch of babies, or she just needs a little extra food ;)
  19. R

    I need cory ID help (actually a decent pic!!)

    that looks exactly like my peppered cory. ;)
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    Fish picture competition

    balloon molly admitted in another post that thats not his mollie, but one he found on another site that "looks" like his.
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    unexplained death

    what about this, i get rid of the barb and the danios and get three or four guppies
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    unexplained death

    they're ok thanks for your help, anyone else??
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    unexplained death

    i went on vacation to mass. for 2 weeks and when i left i had 3 platies, 3 tiger barbs, 2 black mollies, 2 cory's, 1 pleco, and 3 danios. when i came back 2 of the tiger barbs and one of the platies was no where to be found i took the filter apart and found 2 fish bones, i'm guesing they died...
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    Taming plecostumus

    i've heard alot of people talking about how they have tame pleco's. how do you tame pleco's??????
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    is my tank overstocked???

    so i'm not overstocked??
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    is my tank overstocked???

    well he is a common plec and my p.h . is usually between 7.8- 8.0
  27. R

    is my tank overstocked???

    i have 3 tiger barbs 3 zebra danios 3 platies 2 mollies 1 pleco 2 corys in my 20 gal., is it overstoced if i have a filter that's supposed to be on a 50 gal. and i do frequent water changes?? p.s it's all U.S gallons
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    Pleco Food?

    mine loves the wafers!!!!!
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    i just bought 2 corys one is albino, and i know that it's just the albino form of the bronze cory, but the other one i have no clue what it is!!!!!!!!!! it kind of looks like a peppered cory but is there anything else it could be???
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    pleco or pl*co?????

    why do some people spell pleco like this, pl*co???????????????????
  31. R

    what plants

    what plants can i put in a 20 gallon with 3 platies, 2 mollies 3 tiger barbs 3 danios 2 cory catfish 1 pleco????????????????
  32. R

    What do Platy fry's eat???

    I currently have some platy fry and all i do is crunch up some flake food and they love it!!!!!!!!!!! my oldest fry is 1.5 months old. you may not see them eat it, but they do at some point, mine are at least 3-5 weks old and have been eating flake food since i found them kin the...
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    Betta Fighting Today

    pics :/
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    Betta Fighting Today

    put a picin the pic section, fisheads, i want to see him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i had a red betta ounce, i love them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :lol:
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    2.5 GALLON

    What about 2-3 female bettas??
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    never release nonnative species!

    What if you release all of the little snails in your tank into a pond in your backyard? :look:
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    2.5 GALLON

    yes it's 2.5, thanks for all the suggestions!! :thumbs:
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    2.5 GALLON

    What should i put in a 2.5 gallon?? I was going to put in my baby platys until they were old enough but i'm going to get 2 of the 2.5 gallon tanks now!! it's not one of those stupid orb, or hexagonal ones, this is just a normal glass rectangle one only alot smaller. so what should i put in it??
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    snail emergency!!

    my snail has a big crack like thing down his shell but it's not a crack, more like it rotted away, and his shell is flaking away plaease help!!!!!
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    platies and mollies

    does anyone know??