unexplained death


Fish Fanatic
Nov 21, 2003
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
i went on vacation to mass. for 2 weeks and when i left i had 3 platies, 3 tiger barbs, 2 black mollies, 2 cory's, 1 pleco, and 3 danios.

when i came back 2 of the tiger barbs and one of the platies was no where to be found i took the filter apart and found 2 fish bones, i'm guesing they died and the pleco ate them, what should i do with the single tiger barb, and does anyone have any suggestions for my tank?? this is the time to change it around!!!!!
I don't really know about tiger barbs, but i think that they are very aggressive
I'll proberbly get roasted for that if its wrong :lol:
you could trade him in for something else at an lfs of see if anyone near you has other tigers you can give him to

How are the danios?
what kind of pleco? Most plecos grow to big for a 20 gallon tank, so Id say give him the boot, not literaly of couse, bring him to an lfs and trade him in as well and get a bunch of corries. The pygmy ones or pandas. Get three more danios, better in groups of six. What kinds of platties and mollies. Sex? Maybe get more females if you have a lot of males. But Id get rid of the mollies because I think mollies are kinda mean. But dont get alot more platties because theyre live bearers and the fry. Maybe you can get some Neons, six of them as well because they bring alot of color to the tank.
You could keep the barb and get him some friends - they tend to be less nippy if they're in a school of 6 +

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