What do Platy fry's eat???

Grim Reaper

Fish Addict
May 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wembley, London, U.K
About 4 days ago whilst cleaning I and my brother discovered that I got platy’s fry I have them in a breading net but I don’t know what do they eat???? Can someone help me… Thank u


Also me and my bros made a movie about my fish tank u can find it here: Fish Tank Movie
Wow!! what a beautiful video! Wish you were close to me so you could make one of mine too. You have a really great tank!


I went to my local fish shop and bought some special fry food - Brine shrimp. It is a very fine powder. I use to feed my fry several times a day. They use to eat frozen boodworms too. As i was feeding my adult fish. The bloodworms would come through the bottom of the breeding box.

Just gonna check your fish video

Hope this helps
your movie is seriously cool. very good job.

your platy fry will be very happy if you just crush some flake food into very fine powder. they will need to be fed several times a day.

good luck
I currently have some platy fry and all i do is crunch up some flake food and they love it!!!!!!!!!!! my oldest fry is 1.5 months old. you may not see them eat it, but they do at some point, mine are at least 3-5 weks old and have been eating flake food since i found them kin the tank!!!!!!!!!!!! :alien: B)
Love the movie, My tank will some day look like that (I hope):hey: lol you have a very nice tank and very beautiful fish.....
Take care
Erin :cool: :fish:

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