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  1. B

    Sump pump rates?

    thats like taking a hose pipe conecting it to your sump and trying to match it, allmost impossible and completely unstable
  2. B

    Sump pump rates?

    i dont think all the pumps in the world could match that rate! and yes thats basically how she works a self primed hidden jewel that i discovered, when the water drops below the outlet of the T she stops, when it rises she resumes her duties. but now anouther question if you dont mind, should i...
  3. B

    Sump pump rates?

    works on the same principal as syphon. get a pipe and suck water, hold it above the water level and nothing will happen drop it below the level and it will flow. 25 mm is allready a big pipe, and it cost a small fortune to set up yet alone the time it took. now to make that 30mm or bigger might...
  4. B

    Sump pump rates?

    it's not a overflow box, took me forever to prime aswell here's a link to how i made it, maybe you could shed some light if i messed up anywhere i was thinking that it would at least help stabilise my setup at slow rates wouldn't it? temp...
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    Sump pump rates?

    Hey hey. well after a very long weekend setting up my new 4 foot (first) marine tank, carrying 300 liters of water from the beach isn't that fun! Anyway i've been working all day with my sump trying to get it right. I dont have a overflow box so i made up overflow pipes instead, anyway with my...
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    DIY Melafix

    would you be able to use concentrated tee tree oil, and what dosage do you use, drop/liter? also would it help fight parasites? sorry for all the questions, just seems like a great alternate to meds.
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    Mbuna cichlid pricing

    DAMBIT! thats expensive. i wish i could ship them over to you guys somehow cuase my LFS breeds and sell Pterophyllum Scalare Angels which i heard were quite expensive over there for R2.5 each = $0.41 plec for R20 = $3. a pair of fully grown parrots i saw going for R90 $15 (not to cheap)
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    Mbuna cichlid pricing

    Ah Ha ha, you got to love living in africa, i bought a yellow lab for R10 = $1.5 a frontosa realativly large but not quite fully grown for R50 = $7.5 but must mbuna generally go for not more than $2
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    Cheapest most realiable efficant silent overflow

    Well basically the tank was given to me and i'm not sure if this dude wants it back, so i'm dont feal like cutting this tank then he complains or anything.
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    DIY Chiller

    Yeah, I'm starting to think so to. Anyway this guy is apart of a fish club and invited me round to their next meet, so i'll check it out there and post any results
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    DIY Chiller

    True but thats why you would mount the hot compression section out of the water, and i was thinking would it help to cool that section or not? Think of it like a deoderant can, compressed air gets spayed out - cold! same principal.
  12. B

    Cheapest most realiable efficant silent overflow

    Does anyone understand this or ever used anything like it before? some feedback would be cool :/
  13. B

    DIY Chiller

    I was just wondering if anyones ever heard of this sorta system, I was speaking to a dude at my LFS and he says he pumps water through a lage 3 inch pipe then into a 3/4 " and then back into a 5 " pipe. What happens is the water goes from a low pressure to a high pressure (3/4) he says the pipes...
  14. B

    Cheapest most realiable efficant silent overflow

    okay here's a complete view, sorry it's blurred. anyway i also added a end cap and drilled holes in it to the inlet as not to suck any little fishies in. in the drawing it shows the pipes running right next to each other which ofcourse they dont, my paint skill haven't reached 3D yet sorry...
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    Cheapest most realiable efficant silent overflow

    okay in this photo the chipboard represents the tank, you can see how see all fits together i used u claps on the T-piece to set the hight i wanted
  16. B

    Cheapest most realiable efficant silent overflow

    Okay after many hours of making a overflow box and many failures i spoke to my lfs guru. he gave me a idea which he's been using for 30 years. okay i admit my drawings a bit dodgy but hey. It works on the exact same principals of a overflow box without needing well the box or noise. Basically...
  17. B

    why cycle with live rock?

    Hey I've been thinking bout converting my malawi 60 gallon. Now i was wondering, if live rock acts as your main biolocial filtration why would you need to re-cyclye the tank? is it to get bacteria on the substrate and all that or is there specific algea or something that need to grow throught...
  18. B

    Aquaclear filter overflowing

    My 2 aquaclears leak all the time, and not back into the tank, onto the carpet throught the floor and downstairs!!! they suck, i have 3 powerfilters, 2 aquaclear and one dolphin, which neva leaks, they were clever over at dolphin and designed it so the back of the filter is taller than the front...
  19. B

    Fighting Frontosa's

    Hey, I recently added a 2nd baby front to my malawi tank in the hope that he'd keep my other front company. He's bout half the size of the larger and is allways getting chased by him (i dont know if they're males - but i like to think they are) I shifted my entire tank around in the hope that...
  20. B

    Farting Frontosa

    Thanks for all the help, I think it was a mind case of float. I saw him letting quite alot of air out this afternoon, and he seems to be back to his normall self. Ive started feeding more blood-worms and sinking bits also alot of greens which he goes crazy for! i geus i'm gonna have to keep a...
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    Farting Frontosa

    Nope no gulping. hhhhhmmmmm
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    Farting Frontosa

    Hey, i really need some advice, my new most treasured baby front seems to bee FARTING, yes farting :sick: . the problem it seems is that he's eating to fast and taking alot of air in as flakes and pellets float, he also burps alot while eating. at first i thought it was hilarious :lol...
  23. B

    1 ballast 2 ligts?

    Hey, i just got a new night light and ballast, it's a 40w and it seems a waste to only use it at night, i was wondering if there's any electronic switch with some sorta relay so i could use the ballast for a day light aswell and when my day lights go off it could re-route the power to the night...
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    Wierd Blue light

    but will it blind or possibly kill anything, also can fish's even see in that light range cause they all seem very cautious and slow at night compared to my previous night light?
  25. B

    Wierd Blue light

    well i'm not sure exatly what it is, but it causes everything to glow, my teeth look cool! When i get some cash i'll probably upgrade but for now i just wanna know if it's gonna blind the fish or sumding, i bought it from a closing down fish shop so i imagine it should be allright ??? anyway...
  26. B

    Wierd Blue light

    Okay i have come to the conclusion that it is a black light. And it looks great at night!!! but I just read this Ultraviolet light, also referred to as black light, will kill your fish. Is this true cause i have turned me light of for now, but i wanna put it back on!
  27. B

    Wierd Blue light

    Hey, i was just given a blue 4 foot light and ballast for R20 about $2.5 and i was wondering, all it has written on it is F40 T8 BLB 16, no name or model. It's a very dull blue almost purple and isn't very bright at all, i was told it was for plants but i would like to use it as a night light...
  28. B

    Gravel cleaning without removing water

    Yes i know..... but Plan-B was asking for ways to clean the gravel without taking so much water out, therefore just removing all the dirt and keeping the mechanically filtered water might help.
  29. B

    Gravel cleaning without removing water

    would it not work to stuff a wack load of that cheap filter foam into the vacuum, and then siphon the water into a bucket and just replace it back into the tank? Dirt gets stuck in foam water goes thru it, whala
  30. B

    Jewels gone mad or in love?

    Hey my jewels are currently as bright red as the could possibly be, my female is generally quite plain. They have been locked at the mouth for the past 5 minutes and seem to be pulling at each others lips, they've also be swimming in ciruls full speed. she seems to be swimming away from him now...
  31. B

    Leaking aquaclears!!!

    Hey, my 2 aquaclear mini's seem to be finding a way to overflow and slowly drip while i'm asleep. I lost 20 liters of water the other night and my dad almost had a fit as it all seeped down to the lounge! anyone else had this problem?
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    Fish finders

    does this help
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    Fish finders

    Hey, i bought these 2 chiclids yesterday but i'm not 100% sure of their names
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    Reptile tank as aquarium

    just anouther question, i have 2 aquaclear mini's, one dolphin rated at 250/Lph and a small box filter will this be enough fitration?
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    Reptile tank as aquarium

    Hmmm, it's a 6mm glass. i just finished re-enforcing the glass by putting at 25cm wide 6mm piece across the middle, and 2 pieces on the sides. And i also just finished making a oregan pine canopy, so i'm gonna slowy fill it up and hope for the best.
  39. B

    Rams and jewels?

    Hey, i'm setting up a 4 foot chiclid tank. and just wanna know if jewels and rams would be allright together, and will jewels be allright for a chiclid community?