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    Convict, Oscar Or Piranha

    hi, i have a cichlid tank also, just wanted a new tank with 2 or 3 larger fish. i like the piranhas
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    Convict, Oscar Or Piranha

    anyone else with opinions please?, im getting vastly contradicting info ta
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    Convict, Oscar Or Piranha

    hi, i dont understand, if you google oscars, most if not all the sites say 55 gallon for a pair of tiger oscars and 25gall of water per 2 piranhas???
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    Convict, Oscar Or Piranha

    Hi I am going to get a 55 gallon tank. 48x15x18 i am wanting one of the following, which would you choose please? 2 convict cihlids 2 tiger oscars 4 piranhas Thanks DAvid
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    Urgent Help Needed Please

    hi, thanks, ive tried that but teh partcles are very small, almost looks like fluff???, some very tiny
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    Urgent Help Needed Please

    hiya im desperate for some help please. a week ago i cleaned my 55 gallon fish tank and the water turned a little cloudy and then settled as per normal, however thsi time i have floating particles in teh water that i cannot get rid of, ive asked my local shop and they cant underastand it. i have...
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    Help - Problems

    any help really apprecaited thanks
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    Help - Problems

    hiya im desperate for some help please. a week ago i cleaned my 55 gallon fish tank and the water turned a little cloudy and then settled as per normal, however thsi time i have floating particles in teh water that i cannot get rid of, ive asked my local shop and they cant underastand it. i have...
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    Ok In A Community Help - Desperate For Advise Please

    height is 18 inch black neon, neon, blackphantom, bleeding heart tetras in at preset
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    Ok In A Community Help - Desperate For Advise Please

    i have an existing tank with tetras in etc as i say, however i know o 4 silver dollars and 3 angel fish taht ned rehoming - just want to make sure i could take one or the other
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    Ok In A Community Help - Desperate For Advise Please

    55 gall 48x15x18 which are more placid with small fish? will either teh spotted dollars or angels eat neon tetras??
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    Ok In A Community Help - Desperate For Advise Please

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    Ok In A Community Help - Desperate For Advise Please

    Hi Which would be best in a community tank of tetras, scissortails and platties : ANGELFISH or SPOTTED SILVER DOLLARS Please advise thanks very much DC
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    Spotted Silver Dollars?

    but arnt they vegetarian??
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    Spotted Silver Dollars?

    Hiya Could someone help me please? Im getting contrasting views on spotted silver dollars. Can i house them with small tetras (ie neons etc)
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    Help Please

    any views please?
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    Help Please

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    Gold Severum?

    48x15x18, the shark is a red tailed black shark. The severum is an unwanted pet by someone at work and i said if its compatible with mine, il save it i have undergravel filter system and 2 fluval 700 so plenty of filtration, i do 20% water change every sunday too
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    Gold Severum?

    Hi Would a single gold severum be ok, housed with 1 blue acara, 1 krib, 2 keyhole, 1 shark 4 silver dollars and a pair of angel fish pls in a 55 gall tank?
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    Anyopne Heard Of "blue Tetras" ?

    Hi In my local shop they have KING BLUE TETRA and SKY BLUE TETRA anyone know anything about them pls?
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    Help Plssssss

    Hi Thanks The 2 plecs are 1 bristlenose and 1 clown plec so both only small breeds. i do 20% water change every sunday
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    Help Plssssss

    Hi all In my 48x12x15 tank i have 5 colombian tetra 5 black phantom tetra 5 b heart tetra 6 neon tetra 10 tiger barb 5 blue tetra 4 platty 2 mollie 4 cory 1 kuhli loach 2 small plec 1 ruby shark am i overstocked. All seems ok to me I have 2x 750 fluval filters which is probably 3 times more...
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    Am I Overstocked?

    Hi all In my 48x12x15 tank i have 5 colombian tetra 5 black phantom tetra 5 b heart tetra 6 neon tetra 10 tiger barb 5 blue tetra 4 platty 2 mollie 4 cory 1 kuhli loach 2 small plec 1 ruby shark am i overstocked. All seems ok to me I have 2x 750 fluval filters which is probably 3 times more...
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    Help Please - Unsure If Ok?

    Hi I have 2 angelfish, both bough at juveniles 2 weeks ago. Ive noticed that as they have grown, they both have one feeler fin slightly longer than teh other one. Is this normal?
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    Severum, Red?

    Listen Panga or whatever you are called, i am not implying anything. If you read my post again i wasnt trying to vinicate anything. If you google severum and look at compatible tankmates you will find that blue acara, geophagus and angels are all ok. Granted my tank will not be big enough so i...
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    hi, i rescued a single colombian tetra and its now with my 3 bleeding hearts and cichlids i cant get any more colombians in there but will teh single one be ok?, will it school with the b hearts?
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    Severum, Red?

    hi, i take on board what you say however my tank has been established over 2 years now and all are fine, the fish are allready together, its just i want to add a severum if poss?
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    Severum, Red?

    everywhere i read says they are compatible though??
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    Severum, Red?

    Hi Woudl i be able to put a red severum in my 55 gallon tank with 1 acara, 2 keyhole, 1 krib, 2 angel and 1 geophagus brasilia ??
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    Can Different Types Of Angels Live Together

    Hi Im thinking of buying 3 angel fish, one platinum, one koi and one other. Would that be ok or would you suggest 3 of teh same type?
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    Clown And Bristlenose

    Hi can i hous a small bristlenose plec and a small clown plec in my tank together? 35 gallon, 4 foot tank ?
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    Help With Fish Pls

    yes mate, inches. 55 gallon 5 colombian tetras ok then people?
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    Help With Fish Pls

    anyone help pls?
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    Help With Fish Pls

    48x15x18 im sur ive read that if you keep congo tetras with cichlids they get stressed... i am hoping i can keep either 5 colombian tetras or 5 scissortails in there what do you think?
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    Help With Fish Pls

    colombian tetras? (x5) ?? congo tetras (x5) ??
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    Help With Fish Pls

    woulnt the tetras get eaten or bullied? or would they nip the angels?
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    Help With Fish Pls

    hi does anyone know which NON cichlids can live with these cichlids pls 2 angel, 2 festivum, 1 acara,1 krib and 2 keyhole Thanks
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    hi stupid question, but what should platties poo look like? do they poo a lot. i have 4 and teh poo is stringy and they seem to do it all the time
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    Problem Or Not?

    Hi I bought 4 spotted silver dollars this morning but when i put them in my tank tehy just sat on teh bottom, not looking very good. do they play dead at first?
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    Red Eye Tetras

    PLEASE help