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  1. S

    feeding betta fry

    its day 3 and fry are still not free swimming but should i put some bbs in now?
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    betta male and fry

    cheers m8 ill take him away mayb in abit but it will b okay yea?
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    betta male and fry

    well as u might know my bettas bred and i now have fry but because its been a while since i last vred them i just need to know when would be best to take him away from the fry. they hatched last night arouns 10:00pm and he has been with them all day so do i take him away from them tomorrow ?
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    I now own 5 bettas!!

    :cool: on having 5 bettas :D i love them, have u thought about breeding them at all? i bet you could get some lovly baby outta them.
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    me bettas breeding

    no its about my 6th but its been about a year since i last had little baby bettas lol
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    my new betta

    sorry about the pic it isnt gd dunno how to make me camra take clearer ones lol but u can make him out lol
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    Sud i put my betta out of her missary ?

    well u can try this but it might not work put her in a jar and add the treatment with a little bit of salt to do u have a pic so i can c how far gone the fine rot is?
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    Female Guppy or What?

    may be its a platie vross sword tail i have a cross and looks kinda like that but has 2 orange lines going across her like neon swords
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    me bettas breeding

    :) will do
  10. S

    me bettas breeding

    this morning as i was turning over in bed :D i saw my bettas in an embrase so then i got up and watched them all morning they have just finished and its 11:10am it was my yellow male and black red and blue female so should get some okay fry :)
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    wow she is a very stunning betta
  12. S

    feeding brine shrimp

    i have finaly hatched some brine shrimp and was woudering if i wanted to let them grow what type of foods shall i give them i saw on the net they can eat egg yolk but does it have to be hard boil yolk? cheers
  13. S

    betta ill :(

    i live in the middle of no where really and i cant get to any fish shops to buy any treatment is there anything i can use to cure them its 3 of my female bettas just on one of the fins they us to move lol sorry dunno what they called but they move really farst any help would b gr8
  14. S

    For all of you Mr. Butterfly fans

    :D ill have some of his sexy fry lol i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee them :P where are you from?
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    hello just a few things to say lol got a new betta male today hes a stunner hes blue with black head white fin tips and 2 silver scales under each eye looks like tears lol and i was woundering i have started a brine shrimp hatchary and would a fully grown betta eat newly hatch brine shrimp if...
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    selling angles

    lol whats that in pounds ? :D
  17. S

    selling angles

    hey peeps how much do u think a group of 6 angles all medium size and in perfect heath would be worth they are all white black and yellow with lil bits of orange.
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    please help!!

    well i want them to fatten up my bettas for breeding but can i use worms as well?
  19. S

    please help!!

    hello can someone please help me i want to grow my own blood worms as my fish shop never has any any help on this will be great thanks
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    new bettas

    she has a white body with dark red fins ill send a pic into the photo bit for u to have a look @
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    new bettas

    yesterday i got 2 new bettas i got a male and a so called female but i have a feeling she might indeed b a male when i put them in my 3ft tank they went at each other and a full on fight started i took the so called female away and had a close look at her and she/he has very lose flowing bottom...
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    okay thanks for your help :D
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    he dont move them i mean he gards em from the other fish he can c across the room he charges at the glass
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    he doesnt do anything for them now just gards them he dont help feed them any more
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    well by now i bet most of u are fed up with me and my kribs lmao anyways what i wanted to know is if i do take my male away from his fry and put him in a diffrent tank with a new female would he kill her or possibly pair up? his female who had his fry sadly died about 2 weeks after the fry came...
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    need help !!!!!!

    you shure and they fry wont stop eating and wont die from missing him lol
  27. S

    need help !!!!!!

    hey please can someone help me i really really need to know when i can take krib fry away fom the dad because sadly his mate died and i wanna get him a new girl friend, i was told mum n dad would chase the fry away but as there is no female i spose my male wont do that thanks
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    krib fry

    well i sadly dont have the female she died like 2 weeks after the fry came out :( so its just the dad looking after them so i kinda need to know when would b best to take them out as i wanna get a new female for him and breed them agen
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    krib fry

    just need to make sure how big do krib fry need to be befor you can take them away from mummy and dady lol :P plz help me thanks loads peeps :D
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    what eat tetras

    its a 4ft tank and they are half way grown
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    Is this from over feeding or illness?

    when ur female gup died was her scals raised at all???
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    what eat tetras

    nooooooooo dont say that lol
  33. S

    what eat tetras

    me dad got some tetra yesterday neons and glow lights and something is eating them all thats in the tank is 2 firemouths about 6inch big 3 silver dollers, 3 tiger barbs and a sucking loach what could b eating them?
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    new angles

    nah im not its just an angle tank :D
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    new angles

    yea this tank is 4ft long 18high and 2ft wide hope its okay them in that size tank what u think?
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    new angles

    just got 6 new angle fish they range from about 5inch to 7inch and was woundering if u can tell sexes or is there a chance that there is a male and female any help would be gr8 thanks
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    new tank

    ooooooo clown loaches hmmm sound gd to me :P i dunno how wide it is but its as wide as me arm from fingers to sholder
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    new tank

    hiya peeps just got a new tank its 4ft long 18 high 200g im gunna put an albino plec in it and a red tailed black shark anyone know what else would be gd
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    Krib Fry

    hey congrads on ur krib fry i would say if you really wanna keep the fry and not have them eaten the buy a tank divider and then they should be fine but remember they parents might eat they fry this can happen sometimes
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    is it crule to feed oscars live foods coz a m8 of mine said he feeds his live guppies he said i should do this but is it okay to do so?